
i was once told that(tmau) is who we are and i struggled with this every since. I know theres a lot more to me and i try to continue to be the same
person as i always was before this condition reared its ugly head. how do
you define yourself are you defined by your condition?

Honestly I can not pick one good thing or one unfortunate thing about my being and attempt to define or limit myself. I define myself by everything I am … the good and the bad, the best and the worst. I am not so depressed, frustrated, angry, and confused that I do nothing but complain and gloat. I am not so happy-go-lucky and delusional that I can not acknowledge and live with the ugly or stinky truths. I follow those instructions that are logical and well-meaning, I find routines that work best for me, I help others in any way I can, I keep busy physically and mentally, I try to improve my faults, and I exercise my sense of humor every waking moment.

How do you live?


Martha804 I don’t know if this post is for me.I just assumed that it’s for me.How do I live? I take it a day at a time.I pray I try to be as pleasant as I can to people.I know that this is hard on everyone,but we’ll get through it just remember that if you really want people to understand you have to keep a smile in your voice.I’m not making this statement against anyone I just saying if we would take time out to up lift someone every other day we can add Little sunshine to someone’s day.Even when you’re having a bad day.Try to think of something positive.The minute you allow someone to control your mind your day you have lost all control.So take a deep breathe relax and regroup and keep it moving.Yes I have tried it and it works.It’ll only work if you apply the technique. Remember to keep the peace if you can.Live each day to it’s fullest.

God Bless

Martha804 wrote:


I have been doing just that. For me it has become more serious
because I’m now making mistakes, not sure what is causing it. Maybe it
is working in an enviroment where you are the talk of the office and
people are coughing, sneezing and spraying air spray all day. It’s
almost like, I keep the peace and don’t say any thing and continue to
be bumped on. I have decided that I need to change careers or find
something where I can work from home. I have been to three different
job and they have all been the same. So, I can’t change people so I’ll
change my enviroment…permanently


On Nov 14, 2007 10:27 PM, brown sugar wrote: