Poem 10 "Shifty"

I was depressed last night
Just all the sudden
Depressed it seems over nothing
I felt as though I wanted to sleep underneath my bed
Curled into a ball
All alone

Because no one understood me
At least not anyone around me
No one could read my mind
No one knew what I wanted
And the things I enjoyed
And what would make me feel better

So I thought about it
Could I even fit under there?
Under my bed
Victim to anything that crawled

It’s almost as if I love feeling vulnerable
Fragile like glass
Yes I’m glass
Call me Mrs. Glass
Held up by what seems is a just a toothpick

My balance is uneasy
Constantly shifting
From one side to another
One side to another

I feel woozy
I hate feeling like this
Off balance
Never knowing when my emotions will shift

But what can i expect from life
This tooth pick I stand on is constantly shoved at all directions
Shoved to the left with hurtful words
Shoved to the right with menacing looks
Shoved to the middle with disgusted expressions

How can I stand firm
Keep my balance
Find support
When the whole world seems to be against me
My health’s against me
They all want me to fall
Crash to the ground and shatter into pieces
That not even glue can put back together

How can I exist never knowing when the inevitable will occur?

I don’t know
I don’t have the answers
All I know is whether I stand tall
Off balanced
Shoved backward, forward and in all directions
Whether I fall to the ground and break in a million pieces

I am still me
Off balance but in existence
Broken but in existence
Whether I am whole or in a million pieces I am me
Life can push as it may
Life can cause my spirits to fall
Life can break down my courage
But because I live and get through life’s obstacles
I have risen above
I have risen above everything and everyone
I am not blocked by the mountain
I am the mountain
Steadfast and strong
And nothing and no one can rise above me
I… am… a rock

I think you must be very strong.

I liked this alot, thank you for sharing.  It was like watching someone blossom from a cocoon!  Nice~

You are a very sensitive rock! Thanks for sharing with us; always enjoyable…

Thanks everyone. I might be publishing a book of poems, i don’t know when.

You have a gift that no all people posess .

hope u do publish u are a very gifted person

Reach deeper,Invite, Then grab hold of the words that your creative finger tips fail to grasp…Your poem was good, but i see greatness…Now DIG!!!

I think i’ve dug it out enough. I need to start being more positive. But thank you all very much for all your support. You guys seem more my friends then my many so i thank you. Have a nice day.

I hope you try to get published soon. It is a shame not to have this talent be published for all to enjoy!

That was very beautiful…sad but encouraging at the same time.