I have had Achalasia since 1988. Finding this site is such a relief to know that others are out there and can relate. I’m really concerned, I have not had any surgeries, and stopped the dilations about 10 yrs ago, just got tired of the doc’s not understanding what was wrong with me. At last someone said the word “achalasia”, that is when I first knew what to call it.
I have no idea what shape I am in, I don’t feel that it is any worse than it has been for years. I live a fairly normal life, and have learned how to eat in my own way, I guess you all understand what I am saying.
What is an esophagectomy???
Can anyone live without these surgeries or am I looking at major problems??
I read about so many that have had the “surgery” and it doesn’t work, this makes me so sad, what are we suppose to do???
I realize that it’s vital to have the best doc’s when it comes to treating A, and I would not settle for anyone who has no experience with it.
I’m thinking that I should go and have an upper GI, to measure the size of my E, and see what to do next.
Thank you for this site, and any reponse is appreciated, Merry Christmas to all of you!