Codependancy?! Need advice

skee…the bi-polar thing is interesting…thier bi-polar type mood swings im sure have our brains’all over the place"and im sure that most on here are afected by the ups and downs and have(or do)feel almost bi-polar for most of the time.
PERHAPS the"flatness"people seem to feel after these"encounters"is actually a state of balance that we are not used to?
Hello by the way

Hello Spiral,

I’m currently working with my therapist to work out my bipolar issues… During my marriage to my N my depression issues were there but I seemed to be able to manage them better. After having my dd, it only got worse, and after the divorce…even worse… It was a roller coaster ride, my marriage, and a lot of that I attribute to him, but now I also realize that my bipolar issues were also factors… I would give anything to feel flat again…meds do that but I refuse to take them because I am unable to function…


maybe when you adjust to not having an n to regulate your moods…you may be able to regulate them yourself?9to some extent)the meds thing is difficult too.and the bi-polar swings may settle at least…its from one extreme to another with these relationships isnt it…they seem very bi-polar…in fact my ex thought that he was…!i actually started feeling that too…but now i just feeel flat…as many others seem to also

Honey living with a N will make you feel bi-polar and that ain’t no lie. He told me yesterday he thought I was loosing it. Which equates to me getting tired of his crap and blasting him real good for his behavior. I told him that if couldn’t say anything nice to me then keep his damn mouth shut. I got my car keys and left for a couple of hours. When I go home later he passed me in the kitchen and actually leaned over to give me a kiss…which is something he very rarely does…I’m the one that usually has to ask if it’s ok to give him a kiss…ain’t that some crap!

MW …you got that strange thing called RESPECT there…wow
i bet that kiss was worth a million dollars…miracles happen!?