Dont know if this was an option for anyone

i finished another large portion of my tattoo… but mine isnt fading, i have it on both the BN and my regular skin and after it healed it looked the same… maybe you have naturally rougher skin, or the artist didnt go deep enough. not sure… but im glad you dont regret the decision. i think it was the best decision i made… well i have pics of half of it, and i will be posting it when i come back from out of town

oki i'll post the pic some time soon. i jus hope that its not gonna fade or smthing like that. have ur tattoos faded?

It was just after the first appointment that the tattoo faded. After the second and in addition the third appointment it is just as the normal skin, no difference between them. Probably my BN skin is more rough than the rest of my skin, so during the 2nd and 3rd appointment the artist went deeper and the result was great. The only thing that I’m curious about is after the sun expose how will react. I know that the tattoo is fading if it is exposed to the sun and on the other hand BN is getting more dark. Even now I didn’t cover it 100% because I didn’t use any colors and not so dark “black”. But I’m really happy with the result and if someone will not examine the area closely it is impossible to notice the BN.
Take care guys and girls :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys,

Spaceman88, nickcave, desparategrl.

Any of you got those pics of your tattoos over BN? Hows things been over a year since you last got them?

Everything is normal, tattoo is OK and BN as well. Only a few brown spots reminds me that something used to be there. I can’t post pics at the moment, I did when I got it made :frowning: . Anyway you will not be able to notice anything weird, just a normal tattoo. Take care :slight_smile:

Cheers for that Nickcave.

It’s nice to know that you got what you wanted. Any regrets about anything at all and any other useful comments to share?


Hi guys,

Still here and alive. Coming up to Summer and the usual thoughts are circling in my head. Still thinking of a tattoo as the only real solution to look cool with your shirt off. I know it is superficial, but still we all know that, especially now a days, noone looks twice at a tattoo with so many having one. Keep blogging and posting those pictures! Then BN needs those brave ones out there!

Still here and still want to see pics of the tattoos!

I have a Becker's Nevus on my chest. I would love to see the pictures of that tattoo. Please post a picture! Thanks.

Hi there everybody,

Just to update, did not actually go ahead with the tattoo.

Got distracted by a beautiful girl who loves me lots. Amazingly she doesn’t seem to mind and supports me with or without tattoo, although she prefers me not to have one.

So the story isn’t over yet. Still got Becker’s Naevus, still don’t like taking my shirt off in public situations, but everything else in life is great.

Would still be interested in peoples progress on making the birth mark fade and/or covering up for those odd occasions!!?

Thank you all for writing so much (although it has all gone quiet recently). Please continue to share the things you have discovered all over the world!


No regrets. Useful comments… only about the tattoo not the BN. Go to the best tattoo artist you can find, don’t think about the money, find something unique and very special for you because you will share the rest of your life with it. I think is good if your design has free borders so the artist can play with them covering fully the BN.

The tattoo solution is going just fine so far. I believe is the only realistic solution for those who can tattoo over their BN.

Hi guys,this BN is a really a problem for us, I’ve mine like 6 years ago, near of the left in my chest , size about 3 " x 4", I know all the feelings that you are posting, going to the beach and being embarrased when you are taking of your shirt, what would people say(girls),I really want to get a tatto in my BN.
So please guys tell me what are your results so far since you get the tatto? What kind of designs are better?
Please let me know
Regards from Costa Rica