Effective treatment with the Er:YAG laser? A potential 'cure'

Absolutely, can’t wait to see what the results are. Keep us posted, always reading everything thats posted! :slight_smile:

Thanks! And to shawn, good luck and im also crossing my fingers!!

Thanks for all the support everyone…

Just a quick update, I did have the procedure today. The good news is that the test spot was done much bigger then I expected. Hard to tell the size exactly right now, but I would say bigger then the size of a quarter (I was really only expecting about a dime size test spot). This is good because the increased size should make the results a bit more valid and conclusive.

He split the test spot in half using different amounts of energy on the two halves. Rather then doing it manually it’s programed in the computer to “stack” the pulses very quickly. The machine was actually set to 7 J cm/2, however he told me that this setting was not technically accurate when stacking pulses. While this is different then the study he said the right half of the test spot equates to about 23-24 J cm/2 and he did a simulated overlap on the left half which he said equates to about 30 J cm/2 (the study was done at 28 J cm/2). The basic advantages of doing it this way compared to the study is accuracy and time. While the test spot took only about 15 seconds total, in that time the machine actually performed over 200 pulses (I believe 224).

Hopefully doing the procedure this way doesn’t create any differences that would matter compared to the study. I believe as long as the same amount of energy per area is used, the results should be similar. And as I stated before he did use the ‘coherent ultrafine’ erbium laser.

If anyone has any opinions on the difference in how the procedure was done let me know. I also may have left some things out, so if you have any questions.

I guess it’s just wait and see at this point tho. Thanks again for all the support everyone…


How is it looking?

“How is it looking?”

I’ll keep this somewhat short for now and update in more detail later on. After treatment the area was a bright red and continued to look almost the same all the way through day 6. I was a bit concerned and not very optimistic at day 6 thinking I was in for some major scaring. However, the last couple days have really seen some improvement and has went from a bright red to a light pinkish/red color. No signs of any hyper-pigmentation in any of the area that was actually treated.

The redness is caused from erythema and is very present as was expected and will most likely last for months. There should be very slow improvement in the erythema as time goes on.

I would like to see a bit more improvement before posting pics. That being said I do think the results thus far are going hand and hand with the study. The real test is going to be down the road when I see how well the area heels and if the hyper-pigmentation (the Becker’s Nevus) returns.


Thanks for sharing shawn


Forgot to mention - if the erythema does not go down appreciably over 6 months, you can always get a prescription for a powerful topical corticosteroid like clobetasol which will work, or a one-time CS injection - that will constrict the blood vessels and get rid of the redness (also, worst case, an argon laser can be used as well), so redness shouldn’t be an issue, even if it remains after a few months.

Good luck and keep us posted.

any new updates?

how is it looking? any new updates? thanks

Hello Canboy, I’m 25 years old girl with BN. I’m interested in reading your earlier post of 2 articles, but I think the link has expired. Could you please help me post it again.

Hello Youman, how’s the treatment progress? I am right now doing treatment with some cream from my dermatologist. I think it is not significantly curing my BN. I am wondering if anyone has info on these Erbium lasers in Indonesia? Would really appreciate any info.

Thanks to all :slight_smile:

Hi All,

I have been seeing my dermatologist since April 08 to treat my BN. At first I didn’t know this was a BN until recently I discovered it accidentally by browsing pigmentation disorders. I tried some kind of cream prescribed by my doctor for 2 months, it became red and itchy and peeling. I stopped using it when I researched about BN, that it is only effective treated with laser. However, yesterday I went to consult with my doctor, I told him about my research about my pigmentation disorder, that it is called Becker Nevus and they say it is best treated with Erbium YAG laser or Fraxel resurfacing (it is the latest article I read). But he said he doesn’t agree that my case is BN. But he offered me to have a test spot for FREE. He will use a Q-switch laser. I don’t know if it is a good idea or not. Whether it is effective. He said that the Erbium YAG is not common here and he doesn’t have that kind of laser. Did anyone ever tried the Q-switch? Can anyone give me some info about it? I might be having the test spot within these two weeks. Would appreciate it if anyone could give me some heads up.

The Q-switched doesn’t seem to work well for BN unfortunately - while it may offer some clearing after a few treatments, it generally comes back. you can try, but I wouldn’t be too hopeful with it…


I just thought of this message board again, any news?

Well, not sure what happened to youman… as for me, I have an appointment with a dermatologist who has a fraxel lasernear the end of Dec. I’m hoping I can convince him to try it on me lol…

Do consulations cost money as well? I’ll try to get an appointment after exams…anyone knows any good clinic in and around vancouver?

hi all :slight_smile:

I’m a 17 year old female unfortunately living with BN on my left breast. I was wondering if anyone has saved a copy of the previous 2 reports on the effects of the Er:YAG laser to help BN as i cant seem to get that website from the given links.if anyone does happen to have copies, I would really really appreciate it if you would be willing to send them to me via PM.

Thanks in advance! :smiley:

Yes, I do have copies. I will upload the articles and post links so anyone who may need, will be able to find them. I’m not sure when, because I am far away from home at the moment (and my PC as well) so wait for them after a few days, maybe a week.

I received this email and I want to post it so anyone can check on it.

"Hi I read many posts in this group and found so many people are suffering
this condition like me. Many of them are desperate parents whom their
child suffer from this condition. Therefore I would like to share my
treatment experience with all of you

Like many other with BN, I tried laser treatment for many times before
without success. It came out again shortly after laser treatment. I
started to realize that laser would not be a solution to this
condition, at least in the near future. I wondered if cosmetic surgery
would be helpful in this regard. I went to a very famous cosmetic
hospital in Beijing China and the doctor told me to try a technique
called dermabrasion. After I back to my home I searched information
about this technique on the net. It removes the epidermal layer and a
bit the dermal layer of the skin with rapidly revolving wheel (sorry
dont know how to describe the equipment).As a medical student myself,
I thought this technique is feasible as melanocytes are mainly located
in the junction between the dermis and epidermis. A new layer of skin
will grow again after the treatment.

I went for the treatment 2 years ago (I thought it worth a try, coz I
was really frustrated with laser and other methods, and I have nothing
to lose even if it fails, except for some money). The result was
satisfactory, though a scar left. The scar is just like the skin
shortly after laser (pink in colour). The difference is pigment comes
out quickly again with laser, but it remains red/pink in colour so
far, with very little pigment comes out again. I am already very
satisfied with the result coz I know there is no treatment is
effective against BN as far."

I don’t know if this is a solution and if is gonna work for you as well as the person that wrote this email but it seems you have another option.

I also want to post some links (as I promised) for the preview articles about some BN laser solutions.


If there is any problem with the links let me know, I will upload them again. Take care

Hi canboy/kapow thanks for sharing. Please keep us posted on the progess, its great that the dermatologists are interested about this case. Hope it goes well! Looking forward to hearing from you.

hey kapow. i really want to thank you so much for contributing to this board with all your papers and experiences and all. i really wish you the best of luck and hope that everything goes well for you. do let us know what happens soon ya? all the best from Singapore! :smiley: