Julie, I have been down for a couple of days, but I Will send you info. on SSD and SSI. I get newsletters as well from SS that are very helpful. You can also go on line and check the status of your claim without your atty. Sometimes they are slow and won’t call you untill they get the hearing notice, but I keep on my atty. calling at least twice a week. Yep he got sick of it, but it didn’t seem to talk as long either. I will try really hard to get on tonight and email you everything I know and helpful info. ok…Sorry for the delay…Big Hugs, Mrs Barb/Barb My home email is moosting@neb.rr.com if you want to send me personal email ok…Sending Prayers and Thoughts of you today…
Mrs. Barb,
Was that the article that you were looking for? We got snowed out for Easter. Had planned on going to my daughters house for a BBQ. But it was nice and quiet and very restful. Felt good.
Will pray about your dizziness.
No sorry, but the info. was nice I think someone wrote it on there own personal life, and how he/she explained it to his/her family and friends??? but again Thank you so much for sending great information to me
Still dizzy, so need to go rest…With Big Hugs coming your way. TTYL-Barb
Mrs. Barb, are you looking for the one that anyse wrote probably last year ! i have it , actually i made several copies, i will have to look through my desk and find them but if that is it i would be more then happy to mail it to you, it was awsome the way she worded it . also thanks for emailing me, i have not read it all yet as i am cooking for my husband ! TV dinners, thats the best i can offer tonight, you know how those days are! but anyway i will raed and get back to you, anyse use to be pretty active in our group but i have not heard from her for a long time, maybe she will see this !
love ya julie
Oh my I think it was her that wrote it, that would be great to have a copy =
of that! Me and my sisters are at blows about me not meeting for birthday l=
unches I told all of my sisters and niece’s that I could not afford it and =
my health would not allow it. You would think my oldest sister would unders=
tand and she is the one giving me so much grief! she is a RN-go figure! An=
yway you could look on firefly or CarePlace and send anyse a hug or a messa=
ge? Maybe this weekend I will feel better and can get on and get my private=
messages and hugs it’s been awhile again Darn-it I probably ask this =
already, but where do you live? KS? shit cant remember anything lately pret=
ty sure it goes with the illness? ok I tried for an excuse-lol Ok it’s aft=
er 12am, and my pills are kickin’ Oh I was going to mention to you about S=
SD/SSI don’t be surprised if you don’t qualify for SSI if your husband is w=
orking, they (SSD) said my husband makes to much, and also you automaticall=
y get Medicare A and B. I will send you a email to your personal email abou=
t this ok. so much about the SSD that I don’t want to share here I hope you=
understand Ok goodnight and hopefully we can chat tomorrow, I will lo=
ok when I get up it’s about 10ish…Big Hugs…Love Ya, Barb