I'm miserable

I don’t know where to post this. I’m so upset with myself. Normally, I try to be very encouraging to others, and tell them not to give into negative thoughts, and today, I just want to bash my head against a rock until all the stupidity is crushed out.

A few weeks ago, my mother asked if she and my dad can stay at my house over night because their church was coming down for a fishing trip. I have no desire to see my dad because my niece accused him of molesting her when she was small. No one believes her, except me, because she has a drug problem. The thing is, my dad did molest my siblings. He also had some inappropriate sexual behavior towards me that I did not recognise as abuse until I was an adult. So needless to say, I have never been comfortable around him, especially around my kids, and now don’t want to see him at all. Its hard, I love him, but can’t understand how he could be that sick.

Today, while at swim meet, two of my friends, one a neighbor down the street, and another a friend I’ve known for a very very long time. were talking. My long time friend mentioned there was a convicted s.o. (child porn photos) ushering at the church where I used to attend and she still does. She said, maybe he was rehabbed. I said “Pedophiles can’t be rehabbed. I know, because my dad is pedophile.” Dead silence, shock. It was so very NOT the place to reveal such a deep secret. I am tired of hiding the truth, but on the other hand that is just not the kind of thing you tell people. Now I’m afraid they are going to be uncomfortable around me. So the truth is not freeing. I’m as ashamed as if it had been my fault my dad is a pedophile. Me and my stupid big mouth. What on earth was I thinking to just blurt it out like that?

Hi. Thanks for your message. Things have become quite hectic and I may not be able to read my mail as often as I’d like. I hope to be back soon.


You know what Fanci? I am terrible at running my mouth amuck. You’re human, and you were hurting, and you needed a release. Quite frankly, is there ever really an easy time to admit something like that? Be easy on yourself and try not to worry what others say (I know easier said than done) I understand the shame that goes with being a victim of sexual abuse and I agree pedophiles can’t be rehabilitated or at least I have a hard time believing that they can. I really hope for your sake that your friends won’t be uncomfortable around you, but if they are I think that it’s really sad. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. It’s too bad that in this day and age that we (people in general) can’t talk about issues openly without feeling scared that others are going to judge us, especially people we concider our friends. You are in an incredibly hard position, and it’s no wonder that you are worried especially with children in your home. Right now you really need to take the time to deal with the feelings that are coming up inside of you and not worry about what anyone else thinks of you. Trust your instincts. Please take care. Message me privately if you need to.

my name is fizzy ive just read your post and you were very brave to say what you said and not stupid

I tend to disagree that they can’t be rehabed,since I was one and am not one now,I was under influence when this stuff happened though,kinda like screwing a person you wouldn’t sober that you would if you had a few,although nothing went that far,and I have been sober for 9 yrs to make sure it can’t happen again,just depends if a person has conscience or not.I shouldn’t even admit this here,but I know I’m fine and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.I WILL BE OK,I AM OK

I am really really sorry. I had no right being so judgemental like that karpenster. I guess I should have thought before I wrote, guess I was dealing with my own issues. Good for you for being a changed person. It took a lot of courage to write that.

I’m going to Bible study today. My long time friend will be there. I’m trying not to worry, but I guess I’ll find out today if she’s going to be distant. Yesterday, she waved at swim team, but didn’t come over and talk.

friends worthy of you will be there no matter what. Give them time. Some things are diffcult to take in and they may just need time to let it sink in. Like if someone dies… no one knows what to say or how to act. It doesnt meen they dont like you or jugde you. It just how taboos work in society. Death:Abuse etc, are simularly uncomfortable subjects for a lot of people.

Give them time to get over it. They should be supportive but they are only human. Ive ‘confessed’ to friends in the past and its amazing how differently people take the news. Some got over it eventually and asked questions and were supportive. Some didnt believe me. Some accepted it but never spoke to me abt it again or asked abt it. I found out who really cared and who were true friends and who were not.

Dont feel blue abt it, if after a week you see them again you might say sorry for blurting it out and that you understand that they dont know how to respond. Accept there flaws. Accept that you did blurt it out because you understood the subject on a deep level and probably deep down needed to tell friends at last. But remember people who have not experienced simularly cannot ever understand what you feel, and are generally ill prepared for dealing with it. Thats not your fault or theres. Good luck. Im sure all will be well in the end, and you may even get closer friends from it? I hope so.

You didn’t do anything wrong, what do you have to be ashamed of? Nothing. I’m so tired of everybody keeping deep dark secrets, especially when you did nothing wrong. I don’t have anyone to talk to about my son’s problems even within my own family. My sister-in-law’s son has a mental illness also, and they’re the same age within a year, but she will never talk about it. Why? The boys certainly never did anything wrong.
I think your friends will probably ignore the topic, but if they choose to talk to you about it, Great!. You’ll have someone to talk to!

most people are uncomfortable because they don’t know where to go with that information. do you want to talk about it? can they bring it up? were you just venting and don’t want it mentioned ever again? be proactive. apoligize to her " i’m sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable the other day, but i could really use a friend to talk to right now…" and then share with her if she is open. some people have their own issues and reasons for not being able to deal- be sensitive to that, especially if you want them to be sensitive to you.

You didn’t do anything wrong, what do you have to be ashamed of? Nothing. I’m so tired of everybody keeping deep dark secrets, especially when you did nothing wrong. I don’t have anyone to talk to about my son’s problems even within my own family. My sister-in-law’s son has a mental illness also, and they’re the same age within a year, but she will never talk about it. Why? The boys certainly never did anything wrong.
I think your friends will probably ignore the topic, but if they choose to talk to you about it, Great!. You’ll have someone to talk to!

Fanci… I totally know where you’re coming from. There are those in my childhood scary memories that I would definitely not want to see - much less stay with me. Be honest and tell them you’d rather them not stay there and let them deal with it. You don’t have to make up excuses either. If they ask why? Just repeat yourself boldly and leave it alone. I think it’s really shitty for him to have the balls to want to stay there in the first place. Take control, GF!! You da woman! :wink:

As far as apologizing for saying something to your friends … in my humble opinion, you did nothing wrong and have nothing to apologize for. I would’ve been thinking the same way you are about it ‘before’ I got into counseling. That’s crap…tell it like it is! Stand up, don’t be afraid of them and what they think. If you have friends who can’t take the truth, that’s their problem and aren’t worthy of your friendship.

Are you in counseling? Sometimes it helps to vent and talk about things like that to a therapist who won’t be judgmental and can help you get in touch with your own feelings and how to speak up for yourself. You’re a beautiful lady and have a lot to be thankful for. Smile, Fanci… your lil window to the world is smiling right back at ya! Big HUGS! :slight_smile: