Interstitial Cystitis Member Introductions

I am 45, recently diagnosed with an average case of IC, but have a lifelong history of UTIs, Stage 3 Kidney Disease and Major Depression…lol…what a cocktail…

I am looking for help and care management as my urologist is interested in making money and even told me of my condition over the phone! Honestly. I don’t expect modern medicine to help much, so hunting for alternatives.

Thank you,


I was recently diagonosed with IC and want to learn more about the diease.

i need some relieve, i’ve had problems for a couple years and have had no help.

I’m a 23yr old Female whom was diagnosed with IC about 2 almost 3 or more years ago, and I think i have been suffering since I was 13 or 14 but at that time was told that the pain was in my head and I was seeking attention. I’ve suffered for a long time not knowing what from, and now that I do know what from it’s still a constant battle…My fiance and I are both tired…and I am searching for something, ideas, friends, support…

I was diagnosed with IC this spring after having a bladder scope. No pain. I’ve tried to follow the diet- no citrus, carbonated beverages, caffeine (though I sneak some chocolate occasionally), etc. I’m also taking Elmiron. NOTHING seems to help with bladder leakage. My activities are being substantially limited. I am gaining weight. It seems that IC recipes I’ve looked at often include things I’ve been told to stay away from… apples, honey, etc. Usually to lose weight you drink more water- but that equals no exercise for me if I don’t want to wet my pants! Very frustrated. Can someone tell me where to begin?

I was diagnosed with IC 2 years ago but have actually had it for many years. I just would like to hear from others that struggle with IC and how they cope. Also if anyone suggests a Urologist in AZ.


I am new to this forum, I strongly believe I have this condition, I wrote about it in my journal. I would welcome any info anyone can share, I see the urologist on Monday.

I just wrote about myself in my journal on this site which you can read.