Hi Ben,
Good idea, but lets wait for Dr H’s response. I think it’s a mistake, but I don’t know for sure. I’ll let you know though.
Hugs and spoons,
Hi Ben,
Good idea, but lets wait for Dr H’s response. I think it’s a mistake, but I don’t know for sure. I’ll let you know though.
Hugs and spoons,
When we find out what is true about lipomas on/in/or moving to the heart and lungs I need to write to EmergingWorlds and ask them to fix it. (one mistruth might end up on many websites eventually)
Okay All,
I did get an answer on this question of tumors traveling around our bodies and landing in the heart or lungs and I have pasted the answer from Dr H below.
Hugs and spoons,
I have no evidence at this time that they travel. I think it is more of a systemic problem. For example, you have surgery on a lump on your arm, this activates your immune system which increases work flow
through your lymphatics and something increases to stimulate growth of fat elsewhere in the body.
I do not know of anyone who has been found to have a lipoma on the heart or in the lungs. I have heard of nodules in the lungs that come and go. These are very small and I suspect they are granulomas or areas of organized lymph and white blood cells. The people with these did not die and have minimal to no shortness of breath.
In terms of the heart in patients with DD, I have searched very hard to find anything that looks like a lump or that looks abnormal at all and have failed. However, cardiovascular disease is prominent in men and women. Most of us die from cardiovascular disease so this should be our focus.
((((thanks Pamela))))) I sort of knew in my gut that they couldn’t move around, but there was that little part of me that was totally freaking out!!! LOL!! It is so good to know without a doubt that they do not pull up roots and move around!
Thank you for the post!
Calmed my fiance down…
I never thought they could relocate…
Thanks for the spoons!!!