A lot depends on a person's determination to communicate fully in whatever medium used. Consider poetry or a good book. A well written passage can create a much more vivid mental picture than the widest screen HDTV, or theater.
At the same time, I'd hate to see someone avoid posting in a forum because of limited time and/or limited confidence in writing ability. I'd rather see a short cryptic message that lets me know someone is thinking of me than not receive anything because the sender doesn't think the message can be made "pretty" enough.
I wonder if this is a good time to bring up Paltalk or some other live chat program...
Oh yeah, this thread has to do with expectations! In some social contexts, expectations are considered prejudice. People tend to see what they expect to see in themselves and others. As words and actions are pass through the "expectation filter," a person can feel his/her beliefs are validated, even if the reality of the situation is quite different, which usually means that the validation becomes a delusion.
Positive expectations tend to bring out the best in us, but it's not as simple as controlling another's behavior in a positive way by thinking well of that person. Still, that person's behavior probably will be influenced by another’s expectations.
I believe our best discernment comes from objectivity, intuition, and a conscious choice to see as much good as possible in others, as long as we don't put ourselves in a pointless and vulnerable position while doing so. At the same time, I would rather invest trust, and have it betrayed repeatedly, than to become cynical and withhold trust from someone who deserves it.
A useful introspection is whether we are prejudice against ourselves, and have become cynical and unwilling to invest trust in ourselves. When we fall short of our own expectations, have we betrayed ourselves? Do we engage in self-deprecation as a result? When someone else betrays us, do we assume that we did something to deserve it? Food for thought…
Love and many hugs, Aaron