Hey, all–
Well, I had a long talk w/my pain doc, and it looks like maybe now I’m going through Ativan withdrawal (either instead of or on top of the opiate stuff)-- and it’s horrible.
I get the same agitation and pain and terrible feelings that I hate almost more than anything else that’s gone on (I can’t believe I’m even saying that!)-- and on top of that I started itching everywhere from head to toe and some of it feels like it’s on fire and burning. I can’t even sit and type for more than a few minutes before I start crying and can’t stand it at all anymore. It seems that small movements are the worst-- like typing or using a remote for some reason. I’m barely hungry and not eating too much. It’s so confusing and I don’t want to use more of stuff to get off it!!! I hate this, I hate this, I hate this… and what a way to spend a birthday! At least I’m not locked up in some hospital room going for more surgery knowing my levels will just go up again. At least I can eat a little now without too many flares-- I guess anything ‘better’ is a gift. It’s just hard to feel that way when your body is going crazy from the same meds that were there to help you!!!
Oh, well… enough of this and I have to stop typing again before I feel like throwing the stupid laptop or something (don’t worry, I never act on any of the bad feelings except for my body shaking and the tears).
I do wish all the best to everyone on this group/site and hope you all have some better days coming your way–
Love and hugs,