Narcotic/Opiate Withdrawal Help?

Dear Lisa,

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lisa)))))))))))))))))))))))), please know this hug is one of thousands of love and blessings I am sending to you. Please do not be shy of asking for help when you need it. You know we are here to love and support you. Please know we are all sending you blessings towards you be well and happy.

Love And Blessed Be,

Hey, all–

Well, I had a long talk w/my pain doc, and it looks like maybe now I’m going through Ativan withdrawal (either instead of or on top of the opiate stuff)-- and it’s horrible.

I get the same agitation and pain and terrible feelings that I hate almost more than anything else that’s gone on (I can’t believe I’m even saying that!)-- and on top of that I started itching everywhere from head to toe and some of it feels like it’s on fire and burning. I can’t even sit and type for more than a few minutes before I start crying and can’t stand it at all anymore. It seems that small movements are the worst-- like typing or using a remote for some reason. I’m barely hungry and not eating too much. It’s so confusing and I don’t want to use more of stuff to get off it!!! I hate this, I hate this, I hate this… and what a way to spend a birthday! At least I’m not locked up in some hospital room going for more surgery knowing my levels will just go up again. At least I can eat a little now without too many flares-- I guess anything ‘better’ is a gift. It’s just hard to feel that way when your body is going crazy from the same meds that were there to help you!!!

Oh, well… enough of this and I have to stop typing again before I feel like throwing the stupid laptop or something (don’t worry, I never act on any of the bad feelings except for my body shaking and the tears).

I do wish all the best to everyone on this group/site and hope you all have some better days coming your way–

Love and hugs,


Wow Lisa,

I just got on checking emails and post and I was floored to hear that you are itching too??? I have this rash on my face/neck and chest, tummy and a little on my legs. This happened to me last month two, my platelets were down to 29,000 and they thought this was causing all the itching/rash, don’t know for sure what the heck is going on :frowning: I have been taking benedryl for 2 days now it helps for a couple of hours, but seems to make me feel sick. I got mad and cancelled all my doctor appt. because the cost is getting out of control! I know this is the right thing to do, but it angers ME! I haven’t checked my priv. messages in a week so need to do that as well. It is hard to sit here when the whole body is in attacks!!! Thank you for the post and please let me know what you are doing for the itching, please…I haven’t taken my mother to any of her radiation treatment this week, as I have been down. she is so depended on me it drives me crazy…Ok I hope you start feeling better soon, and all my friends here on CarePlace…Big Hugs and Prayers to all…

With Love, Barb :slight_smile:

Lisa: So sorry this withdrawal stuff is taking so long an putting you through so much. Today I can relate to the ‘throwing the laptop’ scenario. I had the second worst (of three in the last few months) attack yesterday. The other two sent me to the hospital, but this time I was 2 hours away from home at a conference. My poor co-worker had to leave the conference early with me and then had to drive me in rain and fog while I was rolling around in the front seat in pain. We were in Indy and she offered to drive me to the IU Med center (since I’ve been there a number of times for ercps and an EUS), but stupid me said no. All I could think of was getting home, putting on a second Fentanyl patch and falling into my own bed. The last time I saw Dr. Lehman at IU I told him about having to go to the er twice in the last three months and he just said that ‘at this point in your chronic pancreatitis (I got it 4 and a half years ago from an ercp gone bad) you should know that they are just going to give you pain medicine and send you home.’ He told me to just stay home and take extra pain medicine myself. So that was in the back of my mind. What he didn’t tell me was how much pain medicine to take. I had 3 morphine pills with me in Indy, so I took all of them. They didn’t start to kick in until we were almost home. God what a terrible car ride. I’m working from my bed today. Thank god I can work remotely on my computer at work. My biggest fear, other than CP, is that I will have to quit my job. Lisa, sorry for the ramble. I started out writing to you and ended up writing about me. Sorry. I’m sure you are in too much pain to read this, but it made me feel better to write it. I think it is some kind of catharsis. Take care of yourself. I hope that the pain and itching go away soon.

After reading your post to Lisa I can relate to missing work and a long care
ride during an attack to the ER in Phily. I have a really good job and due
this shitty CP i went part time in October; well after missing 2 wks of work
mentined that maybe i should think about perminant disabilty. That is just
not me; there is so much more i want to pursue in my field. I to am lucky i
have flexabilty w/ work, but it is so frustrating when i am that ill i can
not function to even work from home.

Everyone hang in with there with the pain. My thoughts and prayers are with

Lisa W.

I have been reading about all the itching, just a thought, make sure you
are not diabetic along with everything else as we diabetics itch bad and
then when you put weather change into it it’s just not good, my drs are
always saying keep hydrated and lots of oils and lotion all year ! Just
a thought !


For what its worth

I too had itching. From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. It about drove me around the bend.

I went to the PA after being tested for allergies. This is what I was told:

Your bile has viscosity, much like motor oil. When the viscosity gets thick it can cause you to itch. I take Urso Forte for this and it works. However I have had a couple of times when I itched, even with the drug. It was shortly after those times when I ended up having another stent put in and found out my bile duct was clogged. Sooooo I know we are pretty sick and tired of doctors, but maybe it is something you could talk to your respective doctors about.

I hope this helps someone. Also Atarax is an excellent drug for the itching thing. It works well also.

Keeping you in my prayers,

I have also been having a lot of itching, all over, and it is different from “winter itch” More deep down, if that makes sense.

What are some of the other symptoms of bile duct problems? This is definitely something I would like to pursue and know more about. Thank You for any advice!

Take care

Cindy in Ky


I am so happy you are feeling better. You don’t appreciate being pain free unless you have had the pain CP pts go though. As far as withdrawing, I would, if you haven’t already, talk to a anesthesiologist who specializes in pain control. I happen to have one in my back pocket where I work and he is great. You mention the ganglia - have you had a celiac plexus neurolysis? My permanent one was a disaster but the temporary one (with steroids) is the bomb. Just some thoughts.

Love and hugs


Hi Cindy, thought I would let you know that I finally went to the doctor about all this itching and rash all over my body. He seems to think it’s an allergy to something, but I have not been able to pinpoint it yet. He gave me samples of an allergy med. use to take Sinclair don’t know why he is trying something else who knows. As for 3 days later I am still itching and waking up at night having to take benedral? as I can only take one a day of the other med. I looked up on mdweb about itching and rashes, low and behold it said something about liver/or kidney problems and also mentioned cancer. So I am calling the doctor tomorrow and let him know that I have had kidney stones and blood in the urine just this last month. I know he will say well your going to the specialist in Omaha in a couple of weeks so maybe he can get to the bottom of all this maddness!!! Anyway I wanted to drop a post to let you know what I found out about all the itching…Ok hon it’s late and I am tired so I hope you have a pain/itch free day…With Love, Barb :slight_smile:

Hi Lisa, sorry it’s taken so long to post, I have been meaning to but lots going on here at home/mom’s home too. I want to ask you want Adivan is and what it is used for? I take so much medication from antideppresion/acid reflex/sleeping meds/pain meds/allergies/hormon meds/ PLUS! I yi yi, scarring thing. Anyway my doctor put me on a new allergy meds to see if the itching and rash go away, but it hasn’t helped at all was up again last night itching. I have tried soda baths, oil baths, carmen lotion and nothing is stopping it. I told Cindy Lou that mdweb has good info. on there website so I read about this itching/rash thing. Some can be caused from CL,CP,Kidney problems. So who knows maybe it’s not only reactions/withdraws your having maybe it’s something else in your body telling you something. Just thought I would share, don’t know much in the medical field, but found this site knowledgeable. Ok I sure hope your feeling better, and try to have a PAIN free, itch free day…Tell Dave HI for me, and I am sending prayers your way…With Love, Barb :slight_smile:

this might be a bit off the topic but I have found a great way to deal with itchy rashes(not the ones that are reactions to medication). One year I had stepped both feet into a big patch of poison oak/poison ivy, the itching was really bad and I had tried everything over the counter and prescriptions too with no results at all. Finally my step dad came over to my house with a remedy (think he felt sorry for me due to not being able to walk that well and a baby in the house). He told me to cook up some oatmeal. I thought he was nuts but would’ve tried anything at this point. I cooked it up, put on my feet(after it cooled a bit), the itching was instantly relieved. I had gotten to the point where blisters had actually started to form. I had tried all the oatmeal bath products and everything else so I was amazed that this actually worked. The itching was instantly relieved and after I cleaned it off my of feet the itching has never returned. I have used this in a variety of situations and found it has helped, I have never tried it on a rash due to possible medication issues but thought it couldn’t hurt to try. I hope that things are going better for you.
Hugs, Prayers, and good thoughts,
Lindia K.