Dream. I can no longer work full time from cp, I have applied for
disaability and am to find out in aug. how long ago did you apply, my
process started in may.
Dream. I can no longer work full time from cp, I have applied for
disaability and am to find out in aug. how long ago did you apply, my
process started in may.
I sure hope Disability benefits come through for you sooner than you think!!!
Thanks for the kind words about us working girls and guys- I work with high school students so I need to be there. Yes, there are days that the pain is so bad- I have had a lot of these days this spring and summer but I had students graduating and I dragged my tush to school. Z=Seems to me that many people on our support site work, take kids camping, and do a million wonderful things. I marvel at them and their ability to “suck it up” and just do it!
I guess we all handle the pain and nausea differently. I am been off for weeks and when the pain is so bad, I “lay down and stay down”… and look to Vicodan.
Everyone’s support has been so special to me. What a great group of people! What a blessing!
Dream, just take it a day at a time and do the best you can. You’re not just hanging out for the heck of it. The pain and nausea are so real and so crippling-
Hang in there Dream and know that you are in my prayers. May you have a totally pain free night!!!
Dream, does your pain go through your back also? It is a horriable
beastly pain, I feel bad for you, I think we just have to deal with a
lot of daily pain, as it does not seem that pain meds take it or keep it
all away for most of us, hang in there!
thanks for the prayers, we can all use them. i will keep u in my prayers so that u can keep doing what u obviously love-working with kids.
hugs and wishes for great days and nights to come,
My lawyer applied for a hearing in the beginning of may and they said that it typically takes up to 18-22 mths to get one and hear from the judge. yes the pain goes straight through, and there are times where all i can do is lay on the couch with my heating pad, take as many pain pills as safe to, and pray for some kind of relief. I will keep u in my prayers as well.
hugs and wishes for pain free days/nights,