Poisitive steps

Ok I need a boost here what are some positive things you all have done to improve your situation like hurdles or just baby steps what ever the point is to inspire me to take the next step so come on give your accomplishments that you made in the last year or in the last month or week

Hmmmm… depression sucks the positive out of everything, doesn’t it?

This past year, I’ve worked very hard at finally standing up for myself… to anyone and everyone who has been or is harmful to me or my loved ones. It was awkward, and very difficult, at first, but then, as time went on, I became more used the idea and kind of wanted to stick up for myself whatever the case was (even when there was no need - I kind of wanted to stand around like Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live “I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!”) :wink: It sounded so good to have someone finally defending ME - I realize now that I deserve it! Who better to defend me THAN me? :wink:

The best, most positive step I have taken is to get negative, harmful, hurtful, abusive, hateful people out of my life… sometimes I have told them “this is what I’m doing and this is why,” and other times I have just moved on - forward - beyond. I noticed a significant change for the better IMMEDIATELY! It didn’t cure my depression (I know there is no cure), but it sure didn’t make it worse! It’s GOOD, WONDERFUL, HEALTHY to get negative people / influences / factors OUT OF YOUR LIFE.

I hope this helps.

I am having an issue with this topic I spelled positive wrong and I can’t fix it but anyway good for you punky . I guess just seeking help first to stabilize my thyroid then with my anxiety and depression is a step and my mood has improved but I still got a lot to work on this is an attempt at being kinder to myself by reminding my self that I have made little step

I relate it to pushing a stalled car. Once you get it rolling it’s much easier to push. Getting it started rolling is the hardest part.
Eeyore I agree with Punky, I can see positive steps you’ve made in the short time I’ve known you. I can also understand your difficulty in seeing your own good accomplishments. When I saw this I almost didn’t answer it because I felt I hadn’t done anything positive in my health, personal life. Then I remembered. I went through treatment…that was a trip through hell… to get better, I avoided family this Christmas. no guilt this year to start 2008, a real first!!!
Things are looking up~

There's always a lot to work on when you suffer from chronic illnesses - whether emotional or physical or both.

You have already taken several positive steps - you have reached out to us for support, you are getting treatment for your thyroid (which helped my friend IMMENSELY... I mean, she still has depression, but she is better equipped to cope now that she's physically healthier)... you admit that you have depression and anxiety and that's better than denying it (whether it feels like that right now or not, it's better to know so that you can treat / resolve / solve the issue(s))... you are thinking of ways to make positive change and that's one step closer to acting on those thoughts :)

We all have a lot of work to do on ourselves, but as long as we keep on keeping on, that's what is important... and remember, each step we take leads us to our next... it's only if we stop taking steps that things get really bad. GOOD LUCK!

It doesn’t have to be big I said it can be a baby step or a leap as long as its positive and it a step it qualifies

Absolutely - it ALL counts :slight_smile: We ALL count :slight_smile:

Sweet Eeyore!
My most positive move this year was to reevaulate my relationships with family & friends. I decided that I had tried my hardest to make friendships last, but continued to be frosted by some people. So I have removed the criticizers & nonresponders. Now I am in touch with those who care about me as much as I care about them. I am much happier & getting to know more about my true family & friends!
You have also made positive & wonderful improvement!!!You were hesitant to talk much when I first met you, but I think you have learned that you are a special person & very valued. I love your topics here!!
Wot Wabbit

i don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but i finally came up with an analogy that makes “me” make a bit more sense to my family. my dad keeps telling me to look on the bright side, think positive. out of sheer frustration, i yelled at him, “go run 10 miles, dad. just do it. go outside, and do it now!” he told me he can’t, he’s out of shape, his body just won’t. so i replied, "well, my brain won’t think that way, either. it wasn’t designed to do that, and i can’t just do it because you tell me to! i don’t know how!"
it was a light-bulb moment for both of us. he knows that i’m trying. i know that i wasn’t trying the right way. now i’m trying to find a therapist that will help me learn how to think that way. i know that all of the love and support make a huge difference, but unless i can change the way i think and the behaviors my thinking elicits, i’ll always be this way. and i don’t want to be this way anymore!
it’s a teeny, tiny baby step, but i think it will lead to much bigger ones. and the face that you’re asking…i think that’s your step. good luck!
many hugs and well-wishes!

Tribechick - I really like your example and intend to use it in my life… we all know how few people understand depression / anxiety et. al. - the example you provided is so easy and will work quite well! Good job!!!

Vickie - I see a lot of positivity in the things you are doing, including defending yourself and others - you should never have to defend yourself, EVER; however, the fact that you are standing up against wrongdoing against yourself and others is very positive indeed!

Keep up the good work everyone - we are making progress, even if we don’t quite realize it ourselves! We’ll keep pointing out our progress to each other :slight_smile:

I am trying very hard this year to keep appointments. I have this thing about trying to cancel and buy one more week before going. I am trying to do the Nike thing and just do it. It isn’t a big thing but it’s big for me.

Sammi - it is a BIG thing, and I bet more of us do the same thing than you know!

Good for you! Keep that positive vibe coming :slight_smile:

I CAN NOT GET ANY WHERE Iam stuck in the mud deep real deep and it makes me frusterated Iam hopeless case who cant spell

I have learned to recieve comfort and hugs when Im sad and depressed used to I would close myself off to the world and just stay by myself and deal with the hurt and pain. I’ve learned to reach out and ask instead of always being afraid and saying no. I stay away from people who bring me down and make me sad, and spend my time around people who lifts my spirits and makes me smile it makes my life more enjoyable and not depressing.


i have learned the best way to help yourself is to help others.that there is no reason on gods green earth to commit suicide over. that people are people and we either have to accept them the way that they are(within reason) or not. i have also learned, get over yourself, and get into others. do what you can and pray to god he will take care of the rest… that trying to hurt other people always comes back on that person;

i think piano man said that to you several times didn’t he lady? it seems as though everything you described in your post you were describing you. you are the one who needs to help themself before helping others. lady sometimes people are not in their right state of mind when they commit suicide so get over it. most of us on here accept each other its you that complains and talks about others
yeah i know for a fact that piano man told you about the way you treat people it will come back to haunt you. why are you using his statement without his permission? you definately need to practice what you preach lady.

LOL, Punky!

As my Gram used to say, Punky, “You’re a good egg, Punky!” “You’re a good egg”

thanks punky yes that was funny

I,ve learned this year that there is an enormous difference between being assertive instead of aggressive. I have felt attacked by many this year. I think if you are not face to face that many things I’ve said seems to be hurtful .For instance I made a plea for friendship to someone I hadn,t heard from in a long while.I felt hurt by her absence. Instead of asking if she was okey, I came across as demanding. I hadn’t considered that she was working overtime with personal issues. It was selfish of me and I understand her angry retort. I didn’t consider her feelings. I think unless you are honest with yourself and personal behavior you don’t have the opportunity to grow as an individual. You can’t advance in conciousness unless you are brutally honest with your own behavior. I may be a senior citizen, but i’m still evolving and practicing to know myself. Sincerely and with love, gramms

P.S. I don’t think that this forum was for attacking or criticizing others. It was meant to state how we have personally advanced.or to make a plea for support. Whether in baby steps or leaps. Many of us have made this mistake, but we learn from the experience.