Debbie, I had a million questions when i was first diagnosed, don’t worry about that! I also wanted to tell you there’s another great support site called WomenHeart, they have a board you can post on, and there are several other women there with PA. For the nitro, 3, one every 5 minutes, if you have to take the 3rd, you best be dialing 911 with it as well. I’ve taken 2 at a time with really bad attacks. The biggest trick is to get the spasm to stop. I’m so glad your doc put you on a CCB, it took about a week and ahalf for it to work for me, but I had to put the nitrate back in, I was taking 120mg, then cut back to 60mg when the spasms got under control. The nitrate headache took about a week to go away on the long acting, but if you can’t tolerate, it then you can’t. Maybe talk to him about starting with the lowest possible dose if the CCB alone isn’t doing the trick. I haven’t heard anything about vitamin E, but intersting theory, make sure you check with him before you take ANYTHING though.
One thing I’ll warn you about is winter. Cold is a bad thing for us, for some reason it can trigger the spasms, so just be prepared, that’s sort of the key with all of this, looking at life a little differently, and being prepared for things you never had to think about. It helps us learn to live with this stupid thing.
I promise you’ll get a handle on this, I know I felt like I was completely falling apart in March when I was diagnosed finally after my MI in January, I was afraid to sleep because I was afraid i wouldn’t wake up, i was afraid to leave my house because what if I had a heart attack driving, or in the store, or at my kid’s school, afraid of everything including my own shadow. Today it’s always with me, in the back of my mind, I’m alert for it, but a friend of mine always says “I have heart disease, it does not have me,” and I try to keep that in mind when I start to let it get the upper hand.