Set the record straight


Here I am, folks, judge for yourselves. Personally, I think I am kinda cute!

Scroll to the bottom of this one: for a clear view of your resident

There’s an online exhibition coming, put together by Tom Georgiev. I feature
in 30 of the photos. Will keep you posted.

----- Original Message -----
From: “confused99”
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [npd] Set the record straight

So Sam,

Your answer to all charges here presented is:

“Susie started it”

Are you sure you wouldn’t like a moment or two to rethink that?


BLAH BLAH BLAH Sam you’re writing and I’m not reading a thing you’re writing because that would require me to go to page two (or are we on 3) of these posts and it’s not all about you.

It’s all about ME now.


keep on yappin’ I’m not listening.

And yes, you’re still ugly.

Maybe in like the early 19th century you would have passed for respectable.


staring sternly over reading glasses

I do believe you may be drunk???



Hang on, you’re IRISH? LOCAL???

That changes EVERYTHING.




PS. Did you see “Egomania”? Never mind “ugly” WHAT ABOUT THE DRESS SENSE???

This is absolutely crazy. Why are you people trying to distract us from the purpose of this website?! I seriously must ask you what you have done to contribute to our cause? Sam has obviously put a lot of time, research and writing into this topic. I can’t tell you how much he helped me through my divorce. Every time I struggled to understand my husband’s actions, I picked up Sam’s book. It helped me make sense of it all. I don’t know what I would have done without his insight.

I can’t believe none of you see the importance of hearing from someone who is a self-professed narcissist. In my opinion, it takes a lot of courage to accept and acknowledge this. Most narcissists refuse to accept that they are one. Steve (or should I say Blitzen) - you adamantly deny your narcissism, which I find amusing. I’ve never seen one ounce of research suggesting that one can be cured from narcissism.

You are all obviously running out of criticisms of Sam to now be attacking his physical appearance. I mean, are we in grade school? What the heck is ugly about him? You people are grasping for straws here! It’s laughable.

Finally, I’d like to ask you again what any of you have done to contribute to this cause besides get on a support group website for victims of narcissism and distract us from our true cause by making fun of and insulting others?!


What insanity are you talking?

There is no “cause” her???

Just a toxic little mini cult created by a bored and unscrupluous financial advisor to exploit real victims for his fun and profit…

I can see how you would want to jump on that bandwagon, and get some of the wealth for yourself…

But I certainly cannot support you in that nefarious endeavour.

You do not fool me for a New York minute.


Fighting misinformation about NPD is a cause that some people feel very strongly about. I think its a noble cause, and there’s nothing abnormal about being passionate about your cause. I don’t see how that is any more disruptive than articles about Jesus with NPD. I can learn from everybody and I don’t mind being distracted by it. If people have are distracted and expected to ignore Sam, they should do the same for others… after all they are human.

Sam wrote: What do you think they do in psychology classes at the university?

Well let me tell you what they do Sam since you missed the experience. They read, study, take and PASS tests, fulfill all the curriculum requirements and courses so determined by those with top credentials as necessary to sufficiently educate them so a credential is merited. And they are not considered expert until a PhD is earned.

Narcissism is a SUBJECTIVE experience.

Leukemia is an OBJECTIVE disease.

You know what “subjective” and “objective” mean, “Sue”?

I really must stop responding to people like you. Unselfconscious dimwits
are such a waste of time.

OMG Sam. I hope you never tell a person with leukemia that is an objective experience. Too funny. As far as narcissism being a subjective experience, that is the point of your critics here and one of your major problems that make you so dangerous. You only express personal opinions, but you promote the delusion to people who do not know better that they are professionally objective. And you lead them down a path where they end up destroying marraiges and relationships with people on the false belief that have learned what their “real” disease is.

You said it Susie…


I can’t believe none of you see the importance of hearing from someone who is a self-professed narcissist.

Ella, I can’t believe that someone who was married to a narcissist and had to listen to them ALL the time, would seek out another narcissist to tell them what the problem was and how to solve it. Seriously - can you explain the sense in that. You actually divorced your husband and joined Sam’s cause? Seriously - can you explain the sense in that.

SusieJo - As I said in my last post, please leave me alone. I have nothing against you and I certainly did not join this forum to fight with people I don’t even know.

When someone wants to research and understand the behavior of a schizophrenic, for example, wouldn’t they interview and observe a schizophrenic in order to understand the disorder? The same applies here. It’s not that complicated a concept.

I can believe it Susie…

I have seen several “Ellas” come and go…over the years.

They claim they are “Buffy the N slayer”, put here to “lead the fight” against Narcissism (while making a nice little income out of it), but, in truth, they are basically hooked on bstrds, just as if Sam was cocaine…

They honestly cannot help themselves…


Ella wrote: When someone wants to research and understand the behavior of a schizophrenic, for example, wouldn’t they interview and observe a schizophrenic in order to understand the disorder?

Ella, the answer is NO. You are actually demonstrating the point. Schizophrenia is well established to be a physical medical problem that requires REAL medical doctors. To learn about it, one should go to respectable medical sites where people with REAL credentials who know what they talk about, offer knowledge.

The last place they should be getting advice from are the sorts of you and Sam. You both are the very type who lead people into believing schizophrenia is caused by that person’s mother’s upbringing. Your cause would have people hating the schizophrenic because he was not a proper husband (and they are not). You Ella, are just a snake oil salesman capitalizing financial and emotionally off of others distress.


Psychobabble is a customarily pejorative term to denote technical jargon that is used outside of its intended purpose in psychology. The term implies that the speaker lacks the experience and understanding necessary for proper use of a given psychological term. Frequent usage can associate a clinical word with less meaningful buzzword definitions. Some psychological buzzwords have come into widespread use in business management training, motivational seminars, self-help, and popular psychology. These words can be overused by laypersons in describing life problems as clinical maladies, when such nomenclature is not valuable, meaningful or appropriate.

Psychobabble is based on the idea that social and personal conflicts can be better understood through the use of complex, descriptive or special esoteric language. The term came into popular usage following the 1977 publication of Psychobabble: Fast talk and quick cure in the age of feeling, by author and journalist R. D. Rosen. He had coined the term in 1975, and the term became a cover story in New Times Magazine, titled “Psychobabble: the new language of candor”. The book Psychobabble explores an explosion of psychological treatments and terminology, in both professional and non-professional settings.

Most professional fields develop a unique terminology that, with frequent usage, becomes a jargon of buzzwords referring to established concepts. As such, psychology practitioners may reject the psychobabble label when applied to their unique terminology. It should be noted, however, that the vagueness inherent in many psychological concepts allows overuse of such terminology in ways that might be inappropriate.

Some pejorative allusions to psychobabble imply that certain psychological concepts lack precision and eventually become meaningless or pseudoscientific. Science demands that ideas be testable in experiments where results are repeatable. In this context, the psychobabble label is pejorative in the implication that the language of psychology is often not based on scientifically proven concepts. In other cases, psychobabble can refer to the use of jargon to imply meanings beyond those accepted by scholars and trained practitioners.

I would much rather this be a place where we can debate ideas and concepts, not each others intellectual capacity, or integrity.

I myself did not get anything good out of having what I posted about my feelings, experience, profgress debated with. I appreciate people’s curiousity and differing opinions and experiences, I’d appreciate hearing about other people’s alternative views.

I really am getting absolutely nothing from reading members turning against one another on a PERSONAL LEVEL.

Ella, I dont know you but I suspect over the next few weeks I’ll get to hear more about your views. I look forward to that.

Blitzen, susie and others, I appreciate your presence and what you can contribute to rounding out everyone’s knowledge too. I just really wish, very much, that we could cut the BS with the personal attacks. I’m not threatened by anyone else’s views unless theyre trying to force them down my unwilling throat.

So can we get back to our regularly scheduled programme?

thanks so much in advance

I will say this again perhaps in a different way to make it clearer…

debate the information all you want, I think thats healthy. I’m not opposing that at all, in fact what I said was I appreciate hearing the information debated. It helps round out the issues and makes us all better informed. Go for it.

However, let me listen and form my own opinions, do not pressure me (or others) to come around to your point of view, and if we dont, tell us we’re intellectually lacking or mentally defective. Those are tactics Sam uses and all it does is make you (and him) look less reputable, less believable…and turn us off.

Which is what I dont believe you want. I think you’d like to be seriously considered, not wholly dismissed because of your tactics.

I work with a brilliant guy who often tells the kids we work with who do this sort of thing “he who shouts the loudest, knows the least”. I’d like not to believe that about you, so I’m asking you not to shut up, but to turn down the volume and direct any anger and criticism you have towards your real target, not the other people who are here who are respectful, but may have differing viewpoints.

Thats a lot of words to say “stop badgering people”.

Go after Sam all you want, gawd knows, he brings it on himself with the same behaviour, but dont badger the rest of us please.


Nobody will ever get anything good out of you demanding that the facts be suppressed to suit you.


Blitzen, susie and others, I appreciate your presence and what you can contribute to rounding out everyone’s knowledge too. I just really wish, very much, that we could cut the BS with the personal attacks. I’m not threatened by anyone else’s views unless theyre trying to force them down my unwilling throat.

So can we get back to our regularly scheduled programme?

I couldn’t agree more, Phoenix! Blitzen and Susie have a strange fixation on Sam that I think we all need to just ignore. Quite franky, it scares me.


You, and Sam, are only here to sell snake oil to vulnerable people for personal gain.

That is disgusting.



“Susiejo” is an alias of Gaye Dalton as is Blitzen.

Dalton always joins groups with 3-5 different member names and then
"corresponds" with herself in an effort to demonstrate that she is not alone
in her insanity.

I rummaged through the member lists of one of my oldest groups (1998) and
what do you know? Gaye Dalton, Blitzen, Proxima, Susiejo, Cricket Courage
and other Gaye Dalton aliases are all there, using the same IP.

Expect “Susiejo” to immediately respond by denying that she is Gaye (or

Why do you stoop to their level? Ignore them and let’s get on with the
business of this group.


----- Original Message -----
From: “ella”
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [npd] Set the record straight