Trimethylaminuria tests to diagnose?

Can anybody tell me where and how I can get a test done to find out if Trimethylaminuria is my body odour problem?

Hi, I have suffered with this problem for what seems like a lifetime, and after reading all your posts, can see that I am not alone. I find it extremely difficult to work, I find it even harder to live anything like a normal life, and most of the medical profession want to tell us that its all in our head. I am lucky that I have plenty of family and friends who are not bothered by my problem. This includes work mates and my wife. I am interested in how everybody else gets by and what you all see for the future.

If we all stand together to be counted I am sure that the more people who knew about this problem, it would make it far easier when people do notice an offensive smell coming from you

Your words are very kind; thank you, I need it. What have you found out
about the cause? is this genetic? A nurse e-mailed me that it is both
genetic and metabolic. Can something be done about the metabolic system? I
live for the day that genetic manipulation will enable us to delect this
dreadful condition. Stinky