What other foods can we eat?

Can we eat fruits? if yes than specific food is allowed?

Some TMAU sufferers have it way worse than others from what I read on forums. I think I am one of the unlucky ones because I canā€™t eat anything without it effecting my smell. Even when fasting on water I will smell horrid. Iā€™ve tried everything, but have remained a strict vegan for over 20 years.

The foods just change the smell from bad to worse and yoyo in intensity depending on the time of month or day. The ā€œbadā€ list that they say to avoid, like cruciferous veggies, soy, etc will make my smell sulfuric, rotting egg like, and then the ā€œgood listā€, like cucumber, salad, etc will make me smell like rotting vegetables, or urine, rotting trash or a dead animal.

Sometimes a combination, and Iā€™ve heard everything from burnt rubber, to ammonia so strong it burns peoples eyes, to literally a dead rotting corpse with the ā€œgoodā€ list, or fasting on water lol. Experiment and see what the reactions are. Thatā€™s all you can do. Iā€™ve had the best luck with white rice, and water, and maybe a piece of cucumber, but it still effects people to an extreme level from what I have seen.

I hope you have it easier.

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I am experiencing same here , awaiting results , tried everything but nothing works with me .Hope one day we will have fmo3 enzymes available.