My son is back in the hospital

As you know my baby has TCHD well I just discovered tonight he was
justed to the hospital vomiting last Thursday from dehydration.

His sodium is low and they have him on IV fluid and don’t know how long
he will be in there. He’s been on the IV for 4 days now.

Also he has Clostridium difficlie a bug in his stole.

Is this normal for TCHD?

Dehydration is something we battle often with Isaiah. His primary drinks are gatorades, powerades and pedialytes to keep his electrolytes in balance. We found that sodas and juices increase his output (added sugars) causing a greater chance of dehydration.

With HD a child will fall ill harder and take longer than normal to recover simply because their bodies cannot obsorb the much needed nutrition.

What we do when we see that isaiah has increase in his output and/or is throwing up we take away all foods and drinks except for pedialyte, he looses weight but we have been able to keep him out of the hospital. We also put the pedialyte in his pump at night and his bolus feeding throughout the day are pedialyte. It has been trial and error since we have had him but i must add that one time he had roto virus and was in the hospital for 8 days on iv. Some things you have no choice, hospital stays and iv’s are the only solution. jim.