2 types of Trimethylaminuria (TMAU)

There are 2 types of TMAU :

TMAU1 is genetic deficiency, and TMAU2 is TMA overload.

Someone with TMAU1, the genetic disorder, has a deficiency in the FMO3 enzyme which oxidizes the odor causing TMA to non-odorous TMA-oxide.

Someone with TMAU2, or TMA overload, is generating too much TMA by their gut flora.

TMA (Trimethylamine) is an organic compound that has a strong “fishy” odor in low concentrations and an ammonia-like odor at higher concentrations. Regardless of the pathway utilized, TMA overload is a nitrogenous waste by-product of the deficiency of the FMO3 enzymes or other gut microbiome dysbiosis.

Certain strains of probiotics can metabolize and use the nitrogenous waste buildup as nutrients. This process helps to eliminate the source of the odor. These probiotic microbial strains of beneficial bacteria include: S.thermophilus(KB19), L.acidophilus (KB27) and B.longum (KB31).

The mechanism of these beneficial bacteria work by regulating build up of the odorous nitrogenous waste. The nitrogenous waste fed probiotic microbes, are then eliminated from the body by normal excretion.

Here is a brand of Probiotic Enzymes which include the beneficial strains of S.thermophilus(KB19), L.acidophilus (KB27) and B.longum (KB31). Anecdotal evidence has shown a reduction in odor and improvement in complexion.
