2nd time around

I have type 1a hep c and will be doing a second stint of tx on pegintron,or perhaps just the interferon. I found out that the local GI drs don’t give strong enough dosaging for this type so henceforth my first intro to tx (pegintron)failed after 14 months with only 4 months left to go. And it wasn’t an easy decision to do the tx in the first place nor was the tx very easy near the end. I called it the fried onions for brains segment. Well its 2 years later and my enzymes are up in the 11.ooo.ooo zone. Though I feel fine , my HIV dr ( yes I’m co-infected which I’m sure added to the fried onions )suggested that it was time to re-do tx. Now the difference between the two tx’s is that the first consisted to “the shot” once a week , and this new regiment will consist of taking “the shot” EVERYDAY. So this brings me to my question to who ever may of been on this regiment . How much more severe , if any, is/was the side effects. Did your brains go from fried to just charred to a crisp? Were you able to still manage to work? My working got tough near the end of my last tx but it may also of been due to additional meds not related to HIV but to side effects like sleeping irregular and combined with the anti-depressant ( which I’m still on) . I do have my questions to ask doctor but if he’s never been on it then there are questions that only a person that went through ,( and hopefully co-infected) can answer. So any comments about your experience is appreciated