I am a 33 year old native of Alabama. I have a history of Uveitis, Scleritis, back problems and also HLA-B27 positive. I met all the criteria for an Ankylosing Spondylitis diagnosis and see physicians in the Univ of AL at Bham Hosp. There is no cure and very minimal treatment for this disease. Is there anyone who can tell me their own story about this??? I don’t even know anyone who’s had Uveitis!
You can email me directly at or my address is,
Michelle Hayes
15635 Wire Road
Cottondale, AL 35453
I had uvitis with iritis. It is simply inflamation and/or infection in the white of the eye. Painful. Not a fun thing to have.
I hope you can find answers to your problem. I do know that fear does not help. And conquoring fear is not always easy. I have had to battle that myself. Mater of fact, we all have fear and need to learn to handle it.
Good luck to you. I believe you are on the right track, looking for information. It is good to be well informed about what is happening to us.