6 Months Post- Op

On Sept 1, we will be six months post-op pull-through. My DD has been pooing 2-3 times per day for a week. Is this normal? She’s still eating her usual amounts and growing.

It’s crazy to go from 6-8 dirty diapers down to two or three.

Here is another great site that is helpful:


We are nearly 5 months post op and are still having frequent BM’s. They are usually small to a small medium size poo. I have heard that 6 months post op the body can create itself a new rectum so perhaps your daughter’s body has done this and is now able to store the poo instead of leak it like before. I actually am praying for the 2-3 bm’s per day b/c I think it is a good sign and that those babies will gain full control.

Chase is almost 5 1/2 months now. He is on formula, breast milk, and several solids. How about your daughter? I’d love to compare notes if she is in a similar stage. I have been a little frustrated because I thought we were finished with the diaper rash thing so I started using store bought wipes. His rash is back in full force so I’m going to continue making them with just plain water. I even purchased all natural, alcohol free wipes and we still got the rash. GRRRR- I just feel so sorry for him.

I hope we are down to 2-3 bm/day in the next month or so!


hi there my son Payton is 4 mo p/o and is using a size 13 dilitater and is pooing 2-3 times a day now. His surgean says that that is excellent. He’s regulating his poops now sometimes he’ll go two days without pooping and thats o.k because he has such good ones when he does. He’s gaining weight and is right where he should be according to the charts. I’m still nursing and am about to start supplementing with formula hopingfully he’ll continue to have good progress. I’m worried after that he’ll have a hard time pooping. But I’m not producing enough breastmilk for him. Wish us luck! So no worries sounds like DD is doing just fine.



There are things you can do to increase your milk supply if you want to continue nursing. Two simple things is eating a bowl of oatmeal a day and drinking this tea called Mother’s Milk Tea. You’ll be surprised at how well oatmeal works. Also putting baby to the breast more often also helps with your supply.

What makes you think that you don’t have enough milk? I can probably give you more ideas if interested. I highly incourage you to continue breastfeeding…you made it this far even through the stress of surgery!


I’m not producing enough breastmilk for him. Wish us luck! So no worries
sounds like DD is doing just fine.


oh ok you will always get less from pumping than having the baby to the breast. All I can offer for advise is when you pump try to relax and often you will get a 2nd let down just when you think no more is coming out (like after 15 mins). Give oatmeal a try and the mothers tea…I once remember my lactation lady said morning pumping sessions before 11am you will be likely to get more milk. You can also pump after your baby nurses. Even if you do have to go to formula don’t be discouraged you can still nurse in the evenings,nights and days off from work. Best wishes.



Thanks soo much for the info. I work four days a week and when I’m working I’m only pumping anywhere from 2-4 ounces at a time and Payton’s eating anywhere from 2-6 ounces at daycare and is eating more often. I had about 80 bottles in the freazer from his surgery and there all gone. I’ve only got about four bags left. A friend told me to take the herbal vitamin Fenugreek but it doesn’t seem to help. I thought maybe it couldn’t be stress since I’m trying so hard.


Try pumping after you nurse on the days you are home to build up your
supply. I read this article recently about low supply:


That is great.
How much of the colon was removed on your daughter?

At what age did she have the surgery?

If the previous post is to me?
My daughter has only had one surgery, to give her a colostomy. She will see her surgeon on Oct about the next surgery which will be the pull-through. Then a third surgery will be done to remove the colostomy. The surgeon was pretty sure she has short segmented.
She is 3 months old and is breastfed. She is nearly 13 pounds and is already wearing her 3-6 months clothes. We are so happy with her weight gain and health.

My DD Katie turned 8 months old last week. She lost 18.5 cm of intestine.

I need to add that her little bum leaks tiny amounts. The sheer volume of diaper changes due to pooh has diminished.

heather, that is great.
My little guy has TCHD, so all of his colon will be removed at some point. Right now, he has an ileostomy and is doing well with that, but just like every parent with a child with a stoma, I want him put back together and pooping through the right hole.

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