6 week old son

my 6 week old son was born with simian crease on both hands, doc was not worried, ruled out downs syndrome. when looking up info on-line i came across aarskog syndrome.
my son also has an obvious widows peak, and both earlobes were folded up at birth, they are still folded slightly. otherwise his appearance and developement seems completely normal so far. i was wondering when symptoms for aarskog appear, are they obvious from birth, or do they appear later? any input would be appreciated.


My 10 year old son was diagnosed with Aarskog at age 4 by a geneticist.
Some of the most obvious features, along with those that you mentioned, are
impaired growth, inguinal hernia, wide set eyes, and a protruding belly
button. Our son’s motor development has been right on track but he does
have learning disabilities. Of course, those may have happened anyway and
not be related to the Aarskog. Do you have any family history of Aarskog?
You may need to wait and see how your son does with growth as that is a key
feature of this syndrome.

Best wishes!!

We went to the geneticists after having his chromosome tested we found out he is missing part of his 3rd and has an extra piece of x however this woman was so rude i mentioned the concern for aarskog as i came across it surfing the net and her response was be glad your nephew (son) any big physical dissabilities she said both parents are mentally retarded among many other things go home and deal with it.

I was so appalled with her rude comment but i guess this is what u get when u r in a small country town in ohio.

So now they have me going through medication after medication to treat behaviors and whatever else they can think of with some pretty severe side effects.

Just to be told that there may never be any meds he can take to help him because of the chromosomes they don’t think his body is processing them right. i know this all sounds crazy because it does to me i am really at a loss what to do.

I am confused… she is saying that you should be happy your son does not have Aarskog? You should be happy he has other problems? what the heck…
My son was born and not more than two minutes later was a genetisis in the labor room checking him because they thought he was “funny/odd looking”. come to find out when he was three months old they ran test and sure enough he was diagnosed with Aarskog. He then had to have surgery at 6months old to have two hernias removed and pull down his left testicle that had embeded itself in the side of the testical cannal.
We discovered that Aarskog does run in the family and it was passed down from my Great grandmas(on my moms side)of the family. My son will be 2 in April and he is very smart and very handsome. He has had no big problems since the surgery. I honestly do not think there is anything wrong with having Aarskog so that lady is a beezy for making it seem like there is a problem with it.