A test for CFS

Life as we know it: A TEST FOR CFS/ME!!! (Finally!!)

We need to forward this press release to everyone we can think of.

Next time I write to UNUM, it’s going with my letter. Let’s see them
continue to argue IAIYH after that! :slight_smile:

If anyone has a source for a mailing list for Congress that does not require
I visit all 535 members’ websites and manually cut/paste their snail mail
addresses, I will be happy to do the work of mailing it to each and every one
of them, in my capacity as head of a nationwide support group, likely to
include one of their constituents. Yes, I’ll take donations of stamps (or cash
via Amazon gift certificates) toward the cost of that project.

At the very least, it’s got to go to AMA with a demand that all their
members be apprised of this development.

Karen M. Campbell
Sacramento, Calif.
www.CFSFacts.Founder, www.CFSFacts.org