
Our son age 12 is showing a lot of aggression. We are looking for any suggestions for teaching him how to control his anger and aggression?

Hello everyone!

Sorry you have to get this email but we’re moving and you know how organized AT&T is, right? We’ll be back online September 20th. Take care, God bless and hugs to all of you…

The Nichols’ Clan.

Our son age 12 is showing a lot of aggression. We
are looking for any suggestions for teaching him how
to control his anger and aggression?

We used a lot of time outs and personal interaction.

When I used to babysit/nanny the 12 yr. old boy with
Fragile X we’d do a small “time out” where we sat
together facing each other on the floor, we hold
hands, I’d tell him in a gentle voice to look at my
eyes and just breathe together slowly and deeply for a
few minutes…breathing in thru your nose, out thru
your mouth. Now mind you, his Fragile X was to the
affect of a pretty high functioning Autistic
child/tweener. He had quite a few outbursts and at
one point even picked up a chair to throw at me(he’s
my height, btw…I’m five three) but I took it away
from him and placed him in the “naughty corner” for
unacceptable behaviour. Then after his "time out"
we’d sit on the floor and do our breathing exercises.
Also, re: food, I’d changed the diets of the boys(my
son included) as I fed them as organic as possible,
very little enriched flours(loads of fruits,
especially apples! He loved apples and I showed him
to spread peanut butter on them…oooh! He was in
heaven) and very little sugars. Loads of water as

He’s really a sweet boy but me being older and
pregnant(I’m 40) and currently have a seven year old
Asperger son, I can’t take care of the poor sweetie
anymore. Plus, his grandmother couldn’t afford me
anymore. I’m certain I may receive hate emails re: my
"lack of patience" and inability to be “human” to care
for him and perhaps being chastized for not being a
"full time" caregiver and no, I did not overcharge for
my services as he was “difficult” which is absolute
manure but you know something? He taught me so much
patience it was an amazing experience and I’d never
change the past regarding that for anything in the
world. For all the bad times/experiences I
experienced triple the goodness from this darling boy.
I knew nothing of Fragile X until I cared for this
sweetie and believe me, you parents and caregivers of
kids w/Fragile X have my deepest respect, honor, kind
thoughts, blessings and prayers.
