I am going back to my psychiatrist on Monday and I am glad because something has to change. I have tried several medications to help me sleep, but I have insommnia that just won’t stop. When I am awake at night my mind races with all the things I am anxious over and that just makes it worse. I have tried Ambien, Lunestra, Resterol, Seroquel, Lorazepam, and other things. I have been taking, on my own, a resterol and an ativan(lorazepam) at night and that seems to help some. I have BiPolarII and am on several other drugs as well including Effexor and Wellbutrin and also Depakote. I think I have such a high tolerence that it would take an elephant tranquilizer to put me to sleep. LOL. Deb
Deb, I am very surprised no doc has given you Trazodone for sleep. That is
the ticket. After my son was born I developed such anxiety I could not
sleep, at all, for days at a time. I was also given all sorts of sleeping
pills, like Ambien, and even tried to knock myself out with Benedryl. The
Trazodone did the trick. I was later told by a nurse I know that every doc
should know that Traz is called the ‘Sleeping drug’.
I took 50 mg. but I was given 100 mg. tablets. Never needed that much. Took
it for two years, no side effects at all, then I didn’t need it anymore.
Dawn <><
this is amaizing…i like seriously have so much in common with u its unreal! the doc say i hav ibs and i also have anxiety and panic attacks…depressian but who doesnt have that, im not a real depressed person anyways, but yea im always sick to my stomack, i freak out when im with my friends and there are guys around and i have to use the bathroom, leaving town scares me, i feel like im gonna loose my mind , but recently, my friends made me go to beach week with them wich was 2 hours away, and i said yea ill do it, i did it, and i felt sick when i got there but it seriously is all in our heads and the way we think, phobia is just a word, to sike people up, if u keep telln urself that ur scared of this and scared of that, its never gonna go away, so dont label urself as someone with all of these things, u can face them it will be hard but it will be worth it, go drive around town or somethin, if u have a problem with ur stomack, it will be ok, i know its a horrible thing
to deal with and i cary all my nerves in my stomack, but i just cant live in a shgell anymore i have to leave it! so just start over, meds for ibs work wonderful, dont be scared of it, it wont kill u!!! trust me, and also ive been on meds for about 8 years…im only on 2 at this moment but thats all i need! one of them is a pill for people with stage fright, wich is also for people with high blood pressure, it works well, my anxiety is not as bad! well keep in touch, write me whenever!!! hope u had a great day and keep trying! Faith
Katrina anxiety-cpt5004@lists.careplace.com wrote:
Actually Trazodone is another of the meds I have tried for sleep. They went up to 150 mg. and decided that wouldn’t do it. I have fybromyalgia, and I have taken a lot of pain medication over the years. I do not take it every day or anything, but still I wonder if my tolerance has built up because of that. Deb
Hey Faith,
Thanks so much for your reply. it is nice to hear from people that have gone through the same things as i am going through and believe that i can make it through this.
I really appreciate it.
I am trying to do what you were saying and just drive around places so that i can just get used to it. I am always just amazed at how sick i can make myself just from my nerves. And i did make it down to the beach about an hour and a half away a month ago, but unfortunatley making it thorugh it once wasnt enough to give me the courage to want to do it again. I have to do it again in a couple months for my best friends wedding so i think i need to do it at least one more time before then so that maybe i will be a little more comfortable with it.
Like i said i bought a camper van so i even have a toilet with me so i shouldnt be so scared, but for some reason i still am.
i guess my anxiety has escalated now so that i am nervous when i am too far away from home or a hospital.
i am constantly worried about my health. my therapist says she thinks it is obsessive compulsive at this point.
and i swear up until a couple of years ago i was totally normal.
Well thanks again for the reply and keep in touch. it is nice to have people to talk to that understand.
faithie b anxiety-cpt5004@lists.careplace.com wrote:
It's really rough to have fears related to life circumstances and possible changes, especially when one thinks about all the things that can go wrong. What's worse though is to be afraid of the fear! I wish that I had thought about putting some of my postings into my journal, so I would not have to repeat my story several times in each forum. However, to make a long story short, I have become so anxious that I reached a crisis point, when I felt that dying was preferable to living with the extreme anxiety. I actually became angry with God for letting me feel so terrible. That was a turning point! The anxiety did not stop all the sudden, but it never was as severe again. I guess being angry with God is in itself a type of prayer. I still have anxious times, but they are manageable. I have learned that if I push my body too hard, I will become exhausted, and then adrenaline will start to flow, as I attempt to overdo it, which will lead to feelings of anxiety. I also read something in the book, "A Course in Miracles," where it states that there are only two basic emotions, Love and fear. I have put that premise to the test, and find that it is true, at least for me. It takes a lot of thought to arrive at an understanding of how those two emotions can spawn so many others, but it does seem to make sense. I've also found that while in the process of expressing Love, depression, anxiety, and even physical pain diminishes to the point that it can be ignored. I also take Wellbutrin and Strattera, and still need plenty of practice in order to remain in a perpetually loving state of mind, but I am working on it, and getting better at it.
Hugs to all who want them! AaronAfter 7 years of frustration dealing with medical doctors who kept prescribing more and more prescriptions, I sought out a Naturopath physician. She is a nurse practitioner and now my primary care physician. She did tests I had never heard of to get to the root of my problems and found 2 diagnosis’ that were overlooked by other doctors… metabolic disorder and hashimoto’s hypothyroid. She also found that I have inflammation for an unknown reason, a nutrition deficiency, vitamin d deficiency and so on. She changed my diet, my meds and added vitamins and I’m doing so much better. Seek out a naturopath or holistic physician. Medical doctors are taught to treat your symptoms with pharmaceuticals; a naturopath will try to get to the root of the problem.