I was told that i had anxiety last October. I’d had a panic attack a few weeks before & this horrible feeling that something bad was going to happen to me! I did’nt want to take drugs so i did counciling, but then went onto cipramil as advised by my doctor.
I was feeling great for a while and now out of the blue it’s back. I’m still taking the pills but can’t seem to shift that feeling. I hate it, i then got pains in my chest and was convinced that i was going to have a heart attack. It is so mentally tiring having this, i want rid of it.
The doc said that it could take about 6 mnths for it to pass, bloodly hell.
Well thats me, hope i’m not going madbut i feel like it when i have a “episode”
i know that feeling like one is going mad, and the spiraling out of control, can’t get a mind to focus on one things and every single memorry in my head seems to be yelling at me… does that put it about right?
well… the way ifigure it, is that one does lose that hold on asanity for a bit… but the good thing is that you are afraid of lsosing your mind… a person that is truly insane does not have that fear… so take comfort in the… agony i guess… for it shows that you are still you.
I know the feeling…Hopefully it will get better soon…but yes it is hell. Were her for you