Amitriptyline...It HELPS DD!

A month or so ago, I had emailed Dr Herbst to ask for advice on pain control and she had suggested Amitriptyline. I was already on 25 mgs at bedtime, so I talked with my GP about it and he added a dose during the day.

If you aren’t on it, you should try it! I have been more able to do things that I couldn’t like cleaning (as if I WANT to, LOL!) and have more energy and less pain! I have had more “GOOD DAYS” than I have since April when my DD got so bad and my flairs have been shorter! Now, I do feel this big/bad cold front headed toward Tennessee this afternoon, but the last 3 days…NO PAIN PILLS! And that is a first!

We may try to increase the dose by 25 mgs more in February, he just wanted to give me time to adjust to it since it does make you very sleepy.

I just wanted to share! I have had to take 2 pain pills today, but the last 3 weeks, I have noticed a marked difference in my pain level!!! :smiley:


I am glad to hear that the Amitriptyline is working for you. I tried that several years ago for a sleep aid. At the time I didn’t know anything about DD. I quit taking after my doc put me on Ambien, (which is the only thing that helps me sleep) but I might have to talk to my doc again and see what she thinks about giving it another try. Right now I take so many things but in truth nothing gets rid of the pain completely. I am takes tramadol two or three times a day, and now lyrica, zanaflex for muscle spasms (they make me goofy so I only take them at bedtime or I am really bad and have to stay home) My doc has MS and she takes it for her muscle spasms, so far it has worked the best for that anyway. I don’t know about you but I’m for whatever works!
Have a Happy New Year!

I too was on Amatriptiline for a sleeping aidf…It didnt really do anythoing for me but now I have added the Tramadol and I still take two benedryls at bedtime(thats a sleeping aid too) and I sleep OK…I still have major pain in the neck and shoulder areas and I can only sleep on one side but I do get SOME sleep…and Im in Memphis JudyK and I know its a cold front…I went to feed horses tonight and wound up taking my kacket and hat off cuz I was sweating like you wouldnt believe(2 pairs of pants and three shirts plus a jacket) but my lumps were hurting something fierce…Cant understand why some people say that ice gives them relief…It would kill me…