Anxiety depression and girls

Yea…I am 22 and I’ve never had a girlfriend in my life. I am a virgin and these past couple of years it has been getting more and more at me and under my skin. Lately I cry often and just get enraged really at it…because it’s not like I am a bad looking guy…it’s just that I can never talk to girls or “play my cards” right per se. I don’t have confidence and it literally is driving me insane…I can’t stand it. I just feel soooo angry and pissed basically…I don’t have a doctor and I am not taking anything…I know that could help but I don’t have health insurance and I am so shy and repressed and held back basically that I tell no one at all in real life how I truly feel about it. Sure, just yesterday I elaborated to a friend I’ve known since 4th grade about how I am a virgin…and that I lack confidence. But even he doesn’t know just exactly how angry and frustrated I get to myself…nobody does. I just need to be free somehow…if that’s even possible. I don’t know…I just need help somehow. But getting laid is a huge deal to me…but I guess it’s just a piece of a larger puzzle.

Hey LA,
I had wanted to reply earlier, actually thought I did, but I didn’t want another day to pass without talking a bit with you.
I don’t know what makes one person Mr. GoodBar and someone else just, not even tried. I wish I did, I do know for fact, that there are people who are late bloomers. Often their personalities, skills, interests are more developed than their more popular or pretty or cool or sexy peers. They had the time to develop other aspects of themselves that when you get a bit older will make you the Desirable one.
Focus on the things YOU enjoy, go where YOU like to be, and someone will show up that has your interests and perhaps you’ll talk and who knows…
Just don’t sell out
Be true to you
Be proud of waiting for the right moment (person)

You’ll be beating them off with a stick in time. Trust Me.

hey mike,

thinking back i can remember concerning myself with the fact that i was never the guy within my circle of guy friends that would never “get any”…I had girl friends when i was younger, around middle school…when just kissing someone was a big deal …but high school and beyond things were a bit more difficult…i went all through high school without haveing a girl friend, but around the age of high school is kinda when i fell into my social distortion so contact of anykind was out of the question…after highschool and into the real world, there was no college for me…instead it was an apartment with 4 other friends who were having sex on a regular basis but me…what the hell was going on…i was able to make really good girl “friends” but was never able to have the glory of mateing a girlfriend…( god i kill myself)…

I cant really give any advice…fate is all that it is, when the planets allign and your 3 degrees left of saturn, that will be your time…

my time came when i was 23 the moon was full and i think i stuck my elbow in some barbacue sauce…it really is rough…but dont dwell on it…your on fates list…did i mention i was 23, geeeez, what was fate thinking…

take care, social-d