Anxiety sucks

I have been living with anxiety for several years and this is the first time I have reached out to anyone. It is a terrible way to live life and I am looking for ways to minimize the effect it has on me. I had a bad anxiety attacj a few years ago and it changed my life. I thought I was having a heart attack and since then my life has been a roller coaster.

I do well financially, however I would give it up in return for more peace of mind. This condition effects my life in so many ways and I very much want to take control of my situation. I am reading as much as I can about anxiety and look forward to speaking with people about their situation. Hopefully, we can all help each other.

well… i can tell ya what’s wrong with me… that’s the easy part… i like to spend time figurin out what i’m doin right though… and improvin where i still fall short…