Any cna's

is there anyone who is working in the medical field or is a cna and has acc

Hi Little One,

I am going through some emails that I missed a couple weeks ago; and see your query here.

Yes. From age 17- just a year ago when I fell and could no longer do the work; I worked as a CNA and totally enjoyed this work.

Complete ACC age 56

“Integrity can be neither lost nor concealed nor faked nor quenched nor artificially come by nor outlived, nor, I believe, in the long run, denied. Never think that you’ve seen the last of anything.” ~ Eudora Welty

"Sometimes a word is found so right
that it trembles at the slightest explanation.
You start out with one thing, end up with another, 
and nothing's like it used to be, not even the future."
~ Rita Dove ~  
From "The Yellow House on the Corner" (1980)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: littleone31 
  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:41 AM
  Subject: [agenesiscc] any cna's

I use a good spam filter, and you probably do the same.
I have whitelisted you and that means that I will receive all the emails you send to me.
I would appreciate it if you would whitelist my email address: in your spam filter.

If you don’t have a spam filter, I can recommend SPAMfighter. It is a highly effective free spam filter for Outlook and Outlook Express.

You can get the free SPAMfighter here:

I hope that you will whitelist me, so we can continue to communicate safely via email in the future.

Best regards

lroberta Victor