My mother had guillian barre and suffers from burning sensations in her arms particularly. Has anyone had a similar situation and have you found any relief??
Yes, I did have Guillain Barre as a teenager in 1986. My pain in legs and arms were more from muscle fatigue and acking pain. Although for the abdominal pain, demerol seemed to give a little relief. When I was ready to do some kind of therapy, hydrotherapy seemed to lessen the hurt. But now, 20 years later I do have burning pain in my extremities couppled with neurapathic pain just about everywhere in and on my body. I think that there is as much different approaches than people suffering with chronic pain. Here at the pain clinic I have tried codeine based meds, opioides with no great results. But if she is sure that what she is experiencing is linked to the sympathetic nervous system, methadone has had quite a success in giving a better quality of life. A TENS coul maybe numb the pain a few minutes at a time.
Guillain barre is little bit more understood than 20 years ago, but chronic pain and how to deal with it is still a mystery for some doctors. I do not know your situation, but pain clinics are a bit less scared of triyng innovated techniques.