I’m a teacher and this year has been a real struggle (due to my depression). Last day with the students was Friday. Now I have a little time to recoup, although I will work three weeks of summer school in July. I was off work for ten weeks in the fall. That is when I had my initial “crash” and diagnosis of severe depression. This last month or so has been like a relapse. Too much stress. Things really got to me. I tried to keep a cheerful face at work, but it was really terribly exhausting.
This last week, I had a couple of problems and lost my temper and dealt with a student in a way that was out of character for me. I am worried about my ability to continue doing my job. My therapist is in fact is encouraging me to make a change. However, I feel like teaching is my identify. It is something that I was very good at in the past. Although the job has definitely changed in recent years (so many more pressures; control taken out of the teacher’s hands; so many more demands), there are still moments when I love it.
I have no idea what else I would do. Where do burned out teachers go? I can I support my family? What other kinds of jobs are teachers trained to do or can learn to do? Any suggestions?
Does burnout have to be permanent? Anyone else experienced severe depression and made it back into the classroom? How did you do it?
P.S. My situation is complicated. Teaching did not cause my depression. I have other things going on in my life or that happened in the past that contributed to the onset of depression. But teaching is a very stressful job and at this time I am easily overwhelmed. Then when I can’t deal with things, I feel like a failure and feel guilty about what I can’t do. I fall into depression and think all kinds of crazy thoughts.
I am getting so frustrated and exhausted. I barely made it through the last couple weeks of school. Any ideas, advice, …?