Anyone have Dysthymia?

Hi…I am new on this site. Does anyone else out there suffer from dysthymia?

If so, please let me know how you are coping and /or recovered.


Hi, I have dysthymia and have had it most of my life, since I was very young although I didn’t know about it til I started therapy several years ago. I know it is a low level depression, (I also have bouts of major depression) I take medication and of course I still go to therapy. I was told that the treatment for dysthymia is the same as with other depression and what I try to do, with the meds. and mostly therapy cuz I don’t do real well with med. side affects, is keep from going into major depression. Dysthymia is so steady and even though it’s considered a milder depression it still interferes with life. What I noticed with my life was how hard everything was to do, normal functioning stuff that every one else did, maybe I could get out of bed and even work but I always felt like I was dragging a heavy weight with me. I am 60 years old and I know that they have much better help and knowledge than they did when I was younger and didn’t really understand why
I was the way I was. I just went on the best I could, worked, raised my children and did what I had to do but with much more effort than others and that use to confuse me cuz I just didn’t know. Now I do and understanding what you have is the first step to feeling better and finding the right ways to cope and go on with life. Good luck to you. I don’t often talk to anyone who has dysthymia. Do you have any other problems? I also have OCD and a history of anxiety disorders. by by mem


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i, too, have disthymia. it’s frustrating to live with. i have half the diagnosics book in disorders though, i think. you name it, i probably have it on some level. or so it seems. as far as the treatments they’re using to treat me on the disthymia, right now it’s meds and psychotherapy. they seem to work relatively well. i’m on lexapro for an anti-depressant,yet they have to be careful because i have bipolar and that is sensitive to anti-depressants and can set off my mood swings as well. so i have to walk a fine line on my psychiatric meds in order to stay level. i do psychotherapy weekly to manage all of it as well. some weeks better, some weeks worse. i also have some major health problems, so that also affects how my mental health is. if you ever want to talk more, i’m here.

HI I am Clover, I have Dysthimia too, have had the double depression and 5 years ago stareted having terrible panic and anxiety. Most of it is under control now, but there is always the big ugly monster that rears its ugly head…when things get tough.
I stay on meds, and go to counseling semi-regularly and try to treat myself by keeping fit and healthy.

Stay on here, you will find lots of support, and it is good to know you are not alone AT ALL!


Hey, first time I’ve written here. Been visiting a while, but don’t know how to manuever to find comments, etc. Anyway, my psychologist mention that he thought I had dysthymia. Makes sense to me. Right now I feel great, just waiting for the other shoe to fall. I seem to have some level of depression all the time: some not so bad, some really bad. Even tho I seem to be okay now, I still do not want to go to places or even do the things around the house that I should be doing. I am content to not do anything, and usually that’s what I do…nothing. Makes for a really dirty, dusty house. I see a therapist twice a month and have been seeing him for 8 years! I see a phsycologist once a month for meds. I’m on cimbalta 90mgs and its working okay. Wished it worked better, tho. I’d like to WANT to go out and eat or shop or visit friends. Like pulling teeth to get me to go. So I don’t really know if its all helping or not. I guess I’d have to say “not exactly” Can any of you relate? And maybe I can find if someone one answers, if I can remember how I got here in the first place. Luck to all.

That’s what my therapists called mine, double depression, the dysthymia and major depression. Right now the major depression is not bothering me but the dysthymia never really goes away. I take celexa and klonopin for anxiety (have ocd too) and see a very good Clinical Psychologist. I have found that keeping busy helps and walking or any kind of exercise but I don’t do as much as I should. My therapist and my Dr. want me to do more so I am really putting a little more effort into making myself get out of my house and do more walking. It does help mentally and physically.



I think my “minor” is becoming my “major”. Seems like nothing is going right now. I got a new cell phone and took it back because the buttons were teeny iny and I had a hard time pushing the right one. That frustrated me. Kept my old one. I have a leak in my; water somewhere and had to pay twice the amount I normally pay. That upset me. My sister is having a heart cath Monday and that frightens and worries me. Sunday is Mothers Day and that is a bad time. I’ve been doing a lot of crying and not much else. My therapist is out of town and I refuse to call him on his cell phone or beeper, even thought he’s repeatedly told me to if I need him. I feel his off time should be respected unless an emergency comes up. I WILL NOT let it get to that. I’ll just come here and write how I feel. No one needs to answer, just let me get it out. Maybe someone will be chatting tonight and I can vent some more. I’d still like to find someone here to IM privately, either on AOL or MSN, but that means giving out email addresses. Don’t know if anyone has done that or not. So, you’ll probably hear from me again. Thanks for letting me just write. No one even needs to read this or reply. I only wanted to get it out and I don’t know of any other place here at CarePlace to do it. Luck to all