Hi Steph:
My niece, at 14, was diagnosed with hereditary pancreatitis. Her doctors in Austin were really on top of things. They did not treat her as a kid with a stomach ache. First enzymes test came back normal so they checked it once a week and the enzymes tested high a week after her symptoms of pain. I showed up 5 days after my major attack. My mom was misdiagnosed 20 years ago because her blood work came out negative and a low reading.
Enzymes count should be high if you have pancreatitis but at what time it shows up is the question.You must realize most of the doctors confidently say nothing is wrong because they know only what they have been taught and what they experience over the years. So listen to the people who have this disease and be confident about your symptoms and find another doctor if necessary. If you tell your doctor of others with this disease have been diagnosed and treated in others ways than he knows about, he may feel uncomfortable. I have a local gastro doctor that has been treating me for 3 years now and I realize how much he does not know. I like him and he is sweet to me but I know he is not knowledgeable.
My doctor in Houston, Dr. William Fisher, director of the Elkins Pancreas Center & Dept. of the DeBakey Dept of Surgery rolls his eyes when I tell him the things my local tells me about my pancreas. Save yourself some time and go to a Pancreas specialist. The arguments will stop and you will be able to get treatment quickly. They have seen and heard it all. You will need a doctor for the rest of your life with this condition.
I am having the Frye/Puewstow procedure Oct 22 and I am scared to death. He laughed at me and said,“I do 3 a week and did one on a 70 year woman, so relax” My local doctor thinks it is extremely rare to even consider this procedure. Good luck to you and enzyme count is NOT the center of diagnosis. It may show up when you are not going for a test that day. I will be thinking of you and again, use this group to keep your confidence and spirit up. Keep me posted and if I learn anything else from my families experience, I will let you know.