Hello. I was recently diagnosed with a Malignant Melanoma on Oct 17, 2007. I had a PET scan on Oct 25 that didn’t show any signs of cancer anywhere else in my body, then saw a plastic surgeon that afternoon and was scheduled for surgery the following Monday Oct 29. What a whirlwind weed for me. To add to the “trauma” of the diagnosis, I have an 11 month old ( 10 months old at the time of diagnosis), and was still nursing her. I was told I had to quit that day as my doctor feared the hormones from nursing had caused my tumor to grow so quickly. It started as a lesion on my right check, and grew into a tumor in less than 3 months. I was devistated not only by the diagnosis, but that I had to abrubtly stop nursing. I have 2 children, both girls, and won’t be having any more children. So this was a precious and wonderful time for me. The PET scan was fine except for the fact that I was radioactive for a good part of the day and had to avoid my children. So on the day of surgery, I had to get the lymph node mapping done for a sentinal node biopsy, and then off to surgery I went. I hadn’t been under general anesthesia since I was 10, so I was a bit nervous. The plastic surgeon did a great job, the scar is healing nicely. The scar goes from under my right eye, ( close to my nose), across my cheek to the top of my ear, down along my ear and up behind my ear about 1/3 of the way. The pathology report came back that all margins were clear, and the lymph node was negative for any cancer cells. PRAISE GOD!!! I found out my melanoma is a Clarks level 4 without any other areas involved. Yesterday I went to my primary doctor for a follow up, and was set up with an oncologist. I had been told that since there wasn’t any other involvement that I wouldn’t need to go through any further treatments. Now he is telling me that he is going to “present my case” to the tumor board and try to get me on Interferon. YIKES… WHAT!!! I am now waiting in limbo til the 27th of this month when I see the Oncologist and see what she has to say. In the meantime, I get to have my birthday, and Thanksgiving which are more precious to me now). I had wanted to be a stay at home mom so badly, but not under these conditions. I am so sorry to write a novel, but I am just sharing my story so to speak, and seeking any advice or knowledge from other survivors. I am just an emotional wreck. I couldn’t even sleep tonight, and all the research I have been doing is scaring me confusing me and I need to stop, be thankful that the cancer is gone and take things one day at a time.
My prayers and faith have sustained me thus far, and will continue to as well, but I am human and have fears too.
Thanks in advance for your time and help.