Awaiting oncologist consult and having an emotional breakdown

Hello. I was recently diagnosed with a Malignant Melanoma on Oct 17, 2007. I had a PET scan on Oct 25 that didn’t show any signs of cancer anywhere else in my body, then saw a plastic surgeon that afternoon and was scheduled for surgery the following Monday Oct 29. What a whirlwind weed for me. To add to the “trauma” of the diagnosis, I have an 11 month old ( 10 months old at the time of diagnosis), and was still nursing her. I was told I had to quit that day as my doctor feared the hormones from nursing had caused my tumor to grow so quickly. It started as a lesion on my right check, and grew into a tumor in less than 3 months. I was devistated not only by the diagnosis, but that I had to abrubtly stop nursing. I have 2 children, both girls, and won’t be having any more children. So this was a precious and wonderful time for me. The PET scan was fine except for the fact that I was radioactive for a good part of the day and had to avoid my children. So on the day of surgery, I had to get the lymph node mapping done for a sentinal node biopsy, and then off to surgery I went. I hadn’t been under general anesthesia since I was 10, so I was a bit nervous. The plastic surgeon did a great job, the scar is healing nicely. The scar goes from under my right eye, ( close to my nose), across my cheek to the top of my ear, down along my ear and up behind my ear about 1/3 of the way. The pathology report came back that all margins were clear, and the lymph node was negative for any cancer cells. PRAISE GOD!!! I found out my melanoma is a Clarks level 4 without any other areas involved. Yesterday I went to my primary doctor for a follow up, and was set up with an oncologist. I had been told that since there wasn’t any other involvement that I wouldn’t need to go through any further treatments. Now he is telling me that he is going to “present my case” to the tumor board and try to get me on Interferon. YIKES… WHAT!!! I am now waiting in limbo til the 27th of this month when I see the Oncologist and see what she has to say. In the meantime, I get to have my birthday, and Thanksgiving which are more precious to me now). I had wanted to be a stay at home mom so badly, but not under these conditions. I am so sorry to write a novel, but I am just sharing my story so to speak, and seeking any advice or knowledge from other survivors. I am just an emotional wreck. I couldn’t even sleep tonight, and all the research I have been doing is scaring me confusing me and I need to stop, be thankful that the cancer is gone and take things one day at a time.

My prayers and faith have sustained me thus far, and will continue to as well, but I am human and have fears too.

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Hello Mommie2x:

To say this and I want you to listen to me! I have been in your shoes OK and I was just like you with a baby boy at home my only child. First off everything sounds wonderful for just like me but I was so scared that I did not hear that very well. 2nd thing if you have to take a little drug well it is a win win deal as this will help down the road. You for the most part are going to live long as me and my sister both are doing. 3rd STAY OFF of Doc Goggle he will make you lose weight from nervous. You are not the Doctor and stop reading into this please (been there done that) 4th you may need something to help with your mind most of us do and there is nothing wrong with taking it make you feel better.

I can not say as I am not a Doctor but I’ve live with this twice and it has been almost 14 years dear. Life will change for you as one must take care of ones skin the rest of your life. Stay with the Doctors but do not live your life from one Doctor visit to the next I know you will do this but do not. Today you are fine and you tell your self you are fine so live for today and love your children and God. The best Medic an you can give yourself is a positive thoughts always your head can beat this and your chances are very very good. So go to sleep enjoy your life you need rest for your girls hey God has got you in his hands I pray this for you. I have been in battle with this cancer for 14 years and your out come is just like mine almost a mirror so we can write each other for 14 years it will get easier as the further away you get from this. Go teach others to look out for there skin and what to look for.

Take care your chances are great stop reading Doctor Goggle and go live your life sister I am sure we will write on this site for years to come.
Rick Stebbens
14 years alive cancer survior

mommie2x wrote:

I have had mag.melanoma 2x now.Once from a mole on my upper thigh that had spread to the lymph nodes in the groin. I was on a investigational study in Miami, I was on a high dose Interferon for one year. Now, 13 years later I have had a tumor removed from my right upper thigh. Two pet/ct scans, and no signs of cancer, thank God. I am now on a treatment of interferon again, for one year. I give myself the injections at home and go for blood tests every 2 weeks. The side effects from the Interferon are flu like. But manageable. All of this happened this year. My husband and I had moved to Dubai, and I was scared about the quality of medical care and treatments here. I consulted with Dr.'s all over and everyone agreed with my oncologists treatment plan. I feel so much better.
Stop doing research on the internet, for your sake. I thought my head would explode when I was doing research. Most of the information you will find does not relate directly to your particular case. Go watch a movie (or cartoons)with your family. get out of the house.
My email address is if you want to write more.
You are in my prayers,

-------------- Original message from mommie2x --------------

Hi There,

Yuppers…I have been right where you are. Went to the dermo for an innocent skin tag removal and happenstance asked if she could remove a mole from the top of the left foot because it looked so silly, not because it met ANY of the signs of cancer. The next day, she calls and reports I have Clark’s Level 4, Stage 1B melanoma and I am to be at the surgeon’s office the next day at 10:00AM. You talk about a whirlwind too! I immediately came home and started researching on the internet – bad idea. STAY OFF THE INTERNET AND TRUST YOUR PHYSICIANS, BUT GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER TO ASK QUESTIONS.

I wrote things down, and wasn’t embarrassed to ask until I understood.

I had surgery on July 6…2 cm all the way around the tumor site. I also had two lymph nodes removed from my groin and a large skin graft to cover the wound. All in all, things went well. All of my pathology was negative for cancer. I am now following up by having a chest xray once a year and seeing the dermatologist every three months for a total body check. I am paranoid and diligent about checking myself in a mirror and having my husband check places I can’t see…stretch marks and flab rolls be cursed.

Each day, I think about melanoma. It makes me mad to think it interrupted my life so suddenly and viciously. It was taken care of though, and now I am pressing on. Melanoma will change your life and make you appreciate the smallest things…

Take care of know your faith will sustain you well.

Email if you need to chat.


Subject: [melanoma] awaiting oncologist consult and having an emotional breakdown
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 03:25:31 -0500

Thank you all so much for your stories. They have been comforting. I am guilty of doing some research online the day of the diagnosis, but then I stopped because I hadn’t had the surgery yet. I was so relieved to hear that they had gotten everything and that the lymph node was negative. Then yesterday after talking with my doctor, he made is seem as if it was inevitable that I would be undergoing some sort of treatment plan be it chemo or Interferon, and I was just blown away. Today my mom tells me that the doctor talked to her at her appt about this as he was worried about me. He told her that he doubts that anything more than yearly or what have you follow ups on the matter, but that it isn’t his specialty so he could be wrong. UUUUGGGGHHHHH. I have decided that I am not going to stress about it for now. At least my husband can go with me to the appt so that we both know what exactly will be happening. I did stop looking up stuff on the internet, once I found this group. I was going crazy so to speak with all the info and it didn’t exactly relate to me but confused me more.

I work in the medical field, and so I understand a lot, but when it happens to you, boy do you suddenly forget all that you learned. It is so much easier being the one caring for the ill/ injured than being one of them! :slight_smile:

Thank you all so much again. I look forward to more chats with all of you.


It is a good idea to take your husband as I did with my wife to the Doctor. Later on when you get further away you can go by yourself. You most likely have check ups every 3 months then after about 2 years every 6 months then at 5 years once a year not to bad huh. I hope I made you feel better as your chance look really good be happy go to sleep so you can be a mom and wife.

God is with you and we are with you I hope we all help you out.

Rick Stebbens

mommie2x wrote:

Hello All. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had to endure a Birthday the day before as well, so I over did it for sure! :slight_smile:

Well, I saw my oncologist last Tuesday November 27, 2007. Over all it was a good visit. I still sit in limbo. She was quite pleased that there wasn’t any lymph node involvement, and that the surgeon got good margins with the melanoma “gone” now. But she wasn’t happy that it is on my face, that I am young, ( I just turned 34), and the thickness of the tumor. So she is sending me to go see Dr Steven O’Day down in Santa Monica, Ca at the John Wayne Cancer Institute and see what if anything he says. She says he may be fine with the surgical results and suggest nothing more, or he may suggest a month of Interferon. I asked why a month when everything I had read said a year. She said that they are finding that a month of treatments is actually the key. So I say…if I have to do it, at least it would be for a month. I go next Tuesday to see Dr O’Day. I am making my husband go with me. He ended up not being able to go last week with me as he wasn’t feeling well, and know that they have patients there receiving chemo etc… I didn’t want him to infect anyone that is compromised. Now I am scrambling to find someone to watch my baby while we go to this appointment. My husband thinks it would be fine to take her, but I feel that would be inappropriate. Today I realized that in 2 weeks she is going to be 1 yrs old! How time flies… it makes me a little sad too… :frowning:

So of course when I know more, I’ll let y’all know more! Thanks again for the support!


Well you made my day thanks for the good news YEAH. Mommie2x I was young too and it was on my chest. (I just turned 36 at the time) I think your Doctor is wonderful that they ask you to go and get a 2nd opinion that is great. And if it is Interferon like you say 30 days you can do standing on your head. In Monday December 3rd I will be the big 50 so as you can see it has been sometime for me. I have had melanoma twice once on the chest and them on my back and by the grace of God I am still here.

Merry Christmas
Rick Stebbens

mommie2x wrote:

In 2001 I was told I was level 4, subcoutanious malignant melanoma. It really rocked my world.But…it’s 2007 now and I’m still here. We live in a time of miracles, sometimes hard to see, and I just know, in my heart of hearts,
that you are a miracle too! Never retreat, never surrender. It will be tough and there will be losses but, you can do it.My name is David “bottlehead” Miller and you can find me on google.Love and care… David

stebbensrick wrote:

Hi, this is the first time I have ever joined a support group for melanoma, was diag. back in '95 - had several dysplastics removed since - Hope all is well with you. I was pregnant when I was diagnosed - that baby is now 12 years old! Take care,