Balance is hard to come by for anyone and even more difficult for bi polar people. I know I have a hard time with defining what makes me balanced. I know I have been rapid cycling but to be honest I like life on the upswing when I am hypomanic. I like not being tired and having the energy to get things done and the desire to do them (cleaning-sex...things I tend to put off when I am on the downswing). I like the rush of all that and don't really want to be balanced because I am not sure I know what my "balance" is. I have been up and down for so many years that I can't imagine what the me is that isn't up and down.
I also know I make bad judgement calls when I am hypomanic. At the time they seem like good ideas (such as getting 2 kittens instead of 1 when our other cat passed on) and stopping for coffee at Barnes and Noble and buying 5 books instead of the coffee and pretzel I can afford) or staying up all night reading when I should be sleeping.
Anyhow-I wish you luck with fighting your issues. I am finding it hard to get the treatment I want for the issues I have. They either over medicate me to the point where I am numb and useless or they try to hard to treat me with talk therapy which brings up things that make me feel bad and make the symptoms worse.
Hang in there-sounds silly to say but there isn't much to offer you for advice other than hang in there and find a doctor that listens to you and works with you.