Just wondering if people suffer from sever constipation. Eventhough I don’t have a period, I feel that it has something to do with my cycle…?? I just don’t know anymore except that when I can’t go it puts extra pressure on my lower back and that in turn creates more endo pain sigh
Hey chocolate, I have had this problem. It has been less of a problem for me since I had a laparoscopy where they excised endo from the outside of my bowel. When I had the symptoms I would have excruciating pain when I used my bowels for the first time after I got my period. My work-around was to go as soon as I got my period which helped a bit as the pressure hadn't had a chance to build up as much.
About three weeks before that op I read the first edition of Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition (Mills & Vernon 1999) and they recommended cutting out wheat. This was great as I was bloated less often. I noticed that when I did have wheat I would get bloated and the endo scar tissue would stretch and hurt.
Since those days I've discovered I also react to gluten (although I'm not a celiac) and yeast. And of course milk, but I already knew that. I've recently been told that I may have fructose intolerance, so I'm looking into that at the moment.
There's a second edition of the endo diet book ($19.71 on Amazon.com) but I haven't read it yet.
Actually, I remember after that op that my lower back started cracking a lot, which is pretty normal. I was just frozen into place before that. It might help to go to a chiropractor.
I am suffering from CONSTANT constipationa dn just was entered into the hospital for it. WHat DOESNT this endo do?
I haven’t had a problem with constipation, but I have pain when I make a bowel movement just before and during my period. I had a laproscopy done last May, but they didn’t even look for endo tissue on my bowels or bladder, both of which I have issues/pain with. SO frustrating. The surgery did nothing to lessen my symptoms-they just keep getting worse! Does cutting out gluten really help? I had read an article on that years ago, but I could only find one source that proposed that, and I am already a vegetarian and have a lactos intolerance. Ug! This disease is going to end up starving me to death on top of all the pain!!!
Before i was diag with endo the dr kept telling me the pain was constipation and i was on alot of laxatives as i was backed up but after awhile when i was going to the bathroom and still haveing pain i went to a OBGYN… Had a lap done a week later and diag with endo
After I had my last big endo surgery before the radical hysterectomy, I was miserable. Can’t begin to tell you how many embarrassing situations this disease created.
NOW, years later great pain in my upper left quadrant, the surgeon went end to take a look and low and behold forgotten or regrown adhesions from my liver to other organs… Endo can hide and grow adhesions and bind
your organs together. My Uterus was tilted up so far and held there with adhesions that pregnancy and sex were impossible due to the pain…
Don’t fool around, get to a fertility DR, they know the good endo DR.'s not every ob-gyn know enough to give you the best options. especialy if they are busy ‘birthing babies’…
hugs and hope to you all