Beginning Stages of Dercums

Can anyone share their experiences on the beginning stages of DD. I believe that I am in the beginning stages. I have all the symptoms. All my symptoms came on gradually. Now the lipomas that were once not painful, have become painful. But they are not always painful. If I excercise they do hurt. But, it is more of a dull ache. I hear everyone tell stories of how much pain they are in. But, I am not always in pain. Is this how the disease begins? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, Gangelofmine!

The thing with DD is usually that You are in pain all the time.
But how old are You and tell a bit more of Your symptoms.
Many people have lumps that hurt everything is not DD.
Most important is that You meet a doctor who can diagnose DD. is Christines homepage and if YOu live in USA
she knows where the nearest doctor is.

Merry Xmas to You All!

If you don’t have DD you should not even have lipomas. If you have many lipomas and it hurts when you apply pressure on them …you may have DD. All of mine hurt if pressed on. They grow in rows a lot as they sometimes follow alongside nerves. They latch on to the nerve and that makes the pressure that results in pain. This disease starts at the cellular level…the fat cells are abnormal. They are larger than normal fat cells and do not metabolize properly. The fat distribution is unusual…with most fat hanging from the belly or underarms or upper legs. It sags like a deflated balloon. It hurts to wear clothes that rub or are tight. It hurts to sit if you have them on your lower spine. It hurts to walk if you have them in your hips. A lot of us have a buffalo hump on the back of our neck. We share some symptoms with fibromyalgia like IBS and Sjogren’s (dry eye and mouth). We also have headaches and depression. We hurt all over like with fibro but in addition have these very painful lumps not just at trigger points but all over in any and all fat tissue. I hope this helps. It is hard to get a diagnosis as most doctors don’t know what DD is. Good luck. Print out articles to take with you when visiting doctors and try to get them to read about it. Hugs, Grandma Sylvia