Belching attack, acid reflux along with Achalasia

I’m a 65yr old male, known I had A about 3 years ago. The specialist I went to has given me no support, only mentioned several surgeries, and only described each one with potential horror stories. So needless to say I’ve had no procedures, not even botox treatment. Would really like to know details of this procedure. I’ve been on every known rx for acid reflux, my stomach locks up on me now routinely, (can truly relate to those describing the ability to actually feel food as it travels down into the stomach.) If it goes down, I can continue to eat, if it doesn’t–then I throw up and that ends my attempt at eating. But my question centers around belching. I have extreme belching attachs, that go along with the acid reflux and achalais. The belching can be so severe sometimes I worry that the strain of the extreme belching will cause other medical issues., since I’m a heart patience as well as all this. The belching is soooo severe I sometines sound like a ‘barking dog’, as the belching is non-stop. Could anyone advise be about the botox treatment. And could anyone offer any ideas that can curb the belching.

When I was finally diagnosed in July 2003 I had gotten to a point where nothing I ate would go down not even water. Came back from a trip, and had already had a barium swallow test scheduled, they started the test, took 2 sips of the barium and the radiologist stopped the test. My esophageus had totally closed off and nothing was going through at all. I was one sick person and scared to death. My family doc was frantically looking for me and immediately put me in the hosp. They did several tests to make sure I had achalasia and of coarse I did and do. Yeah I know lucky me right, NOT, haha. It has been an incredible journey and continues to be. I am having a terrible time today with it and everything I eat I throw up. Oh the joys of being me. I need to go to the ER for fluids and phenegran to help with the nausea and vomiting but I hate that and hubby isn’t here to take me. Maybe he will return soon so I can get some help that I can’t get here at home. Find a good doc. I actually lived in Tx. at the time when I was diagnosed and I went to Baylor in Dallas for my surgery and my doctor was Dr. Matthew Westmoreland, excellent dr. Don’t just ignore your symptoms, do research and find someone who can and will help you. You need a good doctor, and someone who will listen to you and be able to help you. Blessings to you, Anne

I have had A for 3 years. I have tried several alternative methods and I too have alot of belching. I take papya tablets after my meals that helps for a while. MY gastro is trying to convince me that I should get the surgery. I hope I am not just putting off the thing I should be doing. What has helped me the most is massage and accupunture. I feel better but would like to feel much better.

FIND YOURSELF A SPECIALIST!!! What are you waiting for? Botox may or may not be right for you but only a specialist will know for sure. Dr. Tom Rice at the Cleveland Clinic is one of the best. He treats patients from all over the country. If not him, then find someone and get PROFESSIONAL advise.

I was diagnosed with A about 5 years ago and have also worked to avoid surgery. I have followed several regimens for managing this situation which I understand are considered to be "alternative" but for me they have done a good job. I do not know if they would help you. I rarely see these things mentioned on Achalasia sites. First, when I was diagnosed, I went on a 10 day fast. I consumed nothing but Spirulina, yogurt and a little fruit juice. Then I moved on to an alkaline diet, there are many books out there on the subject. I have tried to grasp an understanding through these books as to the foods that are acid producing. I also study yoga and was introduced to some routines called "bandhas" which include breathing practices that influence relaxation & digestion. Since that time I have also gotten my "green card" through the since my state has made it legal to use hemp oil in my food. This has helped a lot with digestion problems, acid reflux and achalasia. My own journeys with this situation have shown me a variety of alternatives to surgery. I do not know if they would work for others. I only know I am much happier and experience much fewer episodes. I can say that what I eat really influences the existence of inflammation and spasms in the esophagus, hence the use of anti-inflammatory foods which seem to follow the alkaline diet scheme. I sincerely hope this information is of help to you and that you are not offended by it.



I second the advice to see Tom Rice. Whatever you do, check out the surgeon carefully. Having sought 2nd, 3rd and more opinions I found Dr. Tom Rice. I wish I’d seen him first. It’s a pretty safe operation – just an overnight. Do it – BUT get the right surgeon!!

In reply to everyone that says avoid surgeon was extremely happy that I had not had botox or balloon dialation. He said both of those complicate the surgery process when it get to that point (surgery). He stated it is a much easier, cleaner surgery when no other 'treatments' have been done. My surgery was in 2006 and a complete success.

It’s been 10 months Since I was diagnosed with “A”. My whole life changed, and will never be the same again. I began to spit up saliva all day long. Than I would eat and all of a sudden food will get stuck in my esophagus. I was a king at throwing up my food. I would eat, than my esophagus would close, so I had to throw up what ever would go down. It became a habit already. Than the throwing up saliva got worst and worst. I was admitted into the hospital. I was there for three weeks, and no one knew what Ihad. Dr. even went and told me I have MARIJUAN SYNDROME. I was like what the hell. But it’s a true sickness, but thats not what I had. Finally after 3 weeks, of not eating, I lost 35 pounds, a Dr. of hispanic decent, said I think you have A. He sceduled a bunch of test, and he told me I one the lottery, but not in a good way. There was a specialist who was at florida hospital, dr Eugene banks. He consulted with me, and explained everything to me, and that I was a great candidate for a heller myotomy, with partial fundoloption. I was litterly dying, I had no choice. I got the surgery, and it was the most painful thing I ever experienced in my life. I kept saying If i knew the pain after the surgery, I never would have gone thru with it. But my operation was a success. I immediatly began to eat, and slowly get my life back. Been 10 months now, eating better, but i have serious belching at least 60 times a day. The air gets build up in my stomach and these scary belches come out as I gasp for air. I have pain everyday, but I can eat normally. Just have to eat smaller portions more times a day. People need to be aware of this sickness. I was in the hospital and several dr never heard of my sickness…

Ok I had botox twice the first time lasted about 5 months and the second lasted about 2 months. Told to have surgery because botox was not an option anymore. Had the Heller myotomy with partial fund. about 6 years ago by Dr Gerndt in Green Bay, WI. Excellent doctor had no pain what so ever!! I have about a six in scar on my back which no one sees. I was literally 88 pounds when I went into surgery, I was at deaths door, because the insurance company refused treatment. Since I was so sick Dr. Gerndt and his nurse took special care of me and he visted every day I was in the hospital. Great DR.!!!