Hi Everyone.
My name is Cherylann. I joined this group because my best friend Claire was just diagnosed with AML and I want to learn as much as I can about it so that I can understand what is happening to her as she battles this disease and undergoes her treatment.
Best wishes to you and your friend. Give her lots of support and love. It
is a difficult journey, she’ll need good friends and family to support her.
That is what got me through my journey. It is a very curable disease,
although she’ll have to go through hell to get there. Any support or
questions you have feel free to email me.
From: cherylann aml-cpt8061@lists.careplace.com
Reply-To: cherylann aml-cpt8061@lists.careplace.com
To: gray0513@msn.com
Subject: [aml] Best Friend Diagnosed with AML
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:34:17 -0400