Bipolar mother

I am looking to chat with male or female that have bipolar issues and depression. How do you cope? I have two children and it has been very hard on me.

H-I to have little kids and am learning to cope with being bi polar type 2.  If you have yahoo instant messanger, msn or AIM let me know.  I can add you as a friend on one of those and we can chat sometime.


yahoo - shamahiers

msn -

AIM - ShameronA

I am newly diagnosed bp mom of two boys, age 5 and 19mos. Things have gotten more intense for me after the birth of my children. It is very tough. I love them so much. But, I find myself going bonkers from all of the noise, the daily stress, and being so busy. I have tried to take time out for myself and my husband has been pretty good about letting me have my own time. He does not understand what bipolar is though. It scares him to even think something is wrong with me. I think he is in denial. Though, he says he is supportive. He is going to a bipolar education class with me in a couple weeks. I am hoping then he will understand.
Anyhow, feel free to msg me.