Boundaries with NPD

Hi Everyone

There is one reality which I don’t want to face and that is my inability to set boundaries with people that come on too strong or are a little over the top. I am beginning to realize this has placed me in attracting people with narcissistic or Bd personalities because i am a care giver, here is something written by a person that made me realize this. if you can relate, let me know.

I have to jump in here an offer another perception…I do not believe there is any malice, forethought, or egregious intent of the BP to target nons. I believe that the emotionally healthy folks never get close enough to the BP to get sucked into their dysfunctional vacuum. I think that emotionally healthy folks read the early signs and take off running. Nons have a problem with boundaries which allows the BP to get close and comfortable. We usually begin with the intrigue of ego turned on by the consumption of adoration. Then, we convince ourselves that they need us (ego again?) Then, when we have let them cross every boundary norm, we get bitter a blame them for something that never occurred to us to control to begin with. Yes, BPD is an illness. But weak boundaries are a problem in themselves and I believe those are responsible for the consumption of our souls. Until we are prepared to accept responsibility for minding our boundaries, we will always have trouble

I think ur right. I made too many compromises to stay in a relationship with someone who treated me like garbage. I know the N plays mind games but I started compromising early in the relationship. That says something about my low self esteem. That’s how he worked his way into my life because I didn’t believe in myself.