"Bruised" feeling temples -- anyone else have this?

I’ve been having the weirdest headaches for the last few days, mainly in my temple area on both sides, like someone squeezing my temples together. Today, only one side appears to be hurting, but if you touch the area it feels almost swollen or like if you touched a bruise. The headache isn’t that bad, but the feeling when you touch my temple is just…well, odd. Also, I notice that you can feel the veins and arteries in that side, whereas you can’t on the other. Blood pressure is under 140/90.

Should I be worried? Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

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You should see a doctor. Temporal arteritis should be ruled out.

I have bruised feeling spots on other places on my head, but not on temples. I will get a sharp pain through my head, then I will have a sore spot that feels like a bruise on my head. I don’t know what that is …I ask Dr. McDonnel and she said I was the only person that mentioned that.

I was more wondering if it was something common with FMD or not. Anyone else?

am replying to this because I have been having the same experience for the last couple of days. Left temple, feels swollen but isn’t and there is sharp pain when I touch the area and dull ache when it is left alone. Same kind of pain that I get when a vessel blows in my hands or fingers.