I am currently on 200mg Imuran, Methotrexate, 10mg Prednisone, .06 mg Colchicine, Fosamax, Calcium, Vicodin, Darvocet & Folic Acid. Have tried Remicaid (with no luck) and am about to try Humira.
My concern is lately (the last month or so), I am bruising - alot for little reasons - like I have an itch & scratch it - then immediatly get a huge, red, blood-like bruise that lasts 3-5 days. I also get little, round, purple bruises (6-20 in a group), from where my arms stick to my sides during my night sweats. I also just "don't feel right", lately - very tired, achey, mild flare, sore lower back etc -
Since I have been on the same meds for quite awhile, I wonder why this is suddenly happening to me? Should I be really concerned? It seems every time I go to the Rheumy (who doesn't care about this disease), he says something like "that's the nature of Behcets & there's not much I can do". I am looking for a new Rheumy - but options are limited as this is a very small town and there just aren't many.
So does this bruising mean something serious?