Can't say enough about Celiac Plexus blocks

Just came back from another Celiac Plexus block (via EUS) and what a world of difference. What I wanted to throw out there is who else has had this many (this is my 4th since November)? My doc is concerned over the number he is doing and whether he is the only one in the country doing so many on one individual. Can anyone share their experience and which doc is doing them? Doc K would love to speak to another doc who is doing as many.



I’ve had an EUS without any problems, so that might be okay. How long does the CP block work for usually?

I just had two done in the space of a month with two trigger point injections in two weeks time (then the plexus blocks were done). I have had no relief at all for them, so pain doc is sending me to a new specialist-kinda like passing the buck! LOL. I’m glad that it is helping you and that the time between lengthens.
hugs and prayers

What approach was done for the CPB? Was it via EUS? I am sorry that you did not get the relief I did. Sometimes passing the buck is OK because then a new view is taken. Best of luck and keep me posted.


He went through the back. I’m hoping that the new doc can at least get things figured out. Thank you for the well wishes. Keep me posted on how things are going as well.
hugs and prayers,

Best idea we have tried, I fl almost normal again. I feel terrible for 3 days after injection, then… I feel normal. I still have to take other meds, but alot less. It gives my body a break from all the opiods. My pain Specialist has injected me three times since September, he is with Good Samaritan Hospital. Pam


You say your pain specialist, as in an anesthesiologist? Does he do it via the posterior approach (through the back) or EUS? They are the bomb, aren’t they? Does he say he will continue to do them for as long as you need them? Thanks for the input.


How do they do the CP block? Are you under total anesthesia so you do not feel anything? Or, do you feel all of it with a big huge needle?? It sounds too scary to me.

The ones I get are via EUS so you are anesthetized. I wake up feeling like a million dollars, except this last time when I had complications due to my gastroparesis. The pancreas pain is totally gone, though. As Pam mentioned, you feel normal after them. Some approaches are done through the back, which I have never had, so I can not speak for the pain related to that. Something to explore. There is a trial going on at the Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Tyler Stevens.

Good luck and wishes for pain free days and nights.


I am getting 5-6 weeks out of them. Doc K will continue to do them but is reluctant. I spoke to anesthesia who said there should be no reason why he can’t continue to do them other than the needle stick through the GI tract may cause some scarring. But being 41 years old, that means a whole bunch of these things before I get called to my maker. I am going to reserve them for desparate times, like baseball season (I am a coach) and summer camp (I am a scout leader).