Well I had my follow up appointment for my EGD/EUS today. They had found the “striations” on the pancreas which he said today “could” be scar tissue. He doesn’t feel like my pain now is still my pancreas, which I feel he is wrong but anyway… During my EGD he did biopsies of the duodenum and found something with the villi that indicates possible Celiac disease(gluten allergy). They drew blood today to look for the antibodies for Celiac. If it is, then I will be referred to a dietician to learn how to eat with this disease.
As for the pancreatitis, he feels that is it NOT chronic and cannot make any guesses if it will ever be. He wrote me a script for enzyme bloodwork to keep with me in the case of a “bad day” I can just go get my enzymes checked to see where they are. At the warning of everyone here, I decided to not have the ERCP at this time. If I have another AP attack that is confirmed with bloodwork, we will do the ERCP after I get better from it, the doc agreed. I feel this is a conservative why to go. I just don’t want to jeopordize the fact that my good days out number my bad right now.
He still feels that the enzymes would be a waste of time. I am not sure what to think. In my opinion, I am having pancreatic pain, maybe celiac pain too but pancreatic pain all the same. I know the pain, it is always the same. I feel that the striations(scar tissue) do mean something because I am symptomatic. Like so many of you here, I feel like I am on the long road to diagnosis. Unfortunately this disease can’t be “found” unless it has already done damage. I had hoped to stop it, but I now realize that it is impossible to stop because if it is happening, it is just happening, kwim?
If I do have Celiac, or eventually CP, or recurrant idiopathic AP, or anything else that comes along, I resolve to continue to find joy in my children, husband and life. I will praise God on good days and bad days. I want to thank you all here that help me in my decisions with your experiences. I do hope to keep posting even though I don’t officially have CP. I do feel like a walking time bomb for another AP attack though. I hate that!
Just thought I would fill you all in.
Pain free wishes,