Celiac disese

wud like to talk to any1 with celiac disese as i hav lots of questions

any1 wanna chat about it


I had IBS for years but didn’t know what celiac was until I went to another Dr. and she said I had all the symptons and I had been eating a lot of wheat. The blood test was simple and it turned up negative but was told that I needed to go on the glutten free diet because of my symptons and then had a endyscopy (spelled wrong) which was painless because they put you to sleep and it turned up negative but was told because I had been on the diet for a few months could be the reason. You may want to cut out wheat and try to stay glutten free and see what happens. Celiac has so many long term effects that it is worth trying. I am trying to educate myself and get as much information from anyone else that will help because everyone finds out some information that can help. Hope you can get some relief, I have but it is illimination by process. Good luck

My dad was diagnosed as a celiac as a child and then has eaten the celiac diet fairly well throughout his life… through my research I have discovered that he has very bad habbits that are effecting his health. I had bloating… went to the bathroom lost of times in the day for number two’s!! It has gotten worse over the last few months and I can only put it down to the fact that I now live with my husband and eat a lot more bread and pasta (when living at home we had small amounts). I have had really bad bathroom smells… like my brothers payed me out for years and told me I had something dead living inside of me. But mostly I think just after eating wheat I am dying for the toilet. After being on the no wheat and no dairy diet for a day (I started earlier but was eating Rye bread and discovered it was a no no!!) But I must say that I am hgaving less bowl movements YAY! Feeling like when I eat that I am full and not staving still… I used to eat so much. I am on the pill so my periods dont get effected much but I used to get really bad cramps so I am interested in seeing how this new celiac diet will make them.