CFS symptoms.. what symptoms do you get?

I posted in another post that I’d put what symptoms I get with the CFS here. (this list isnt complete as Ive gotten more things happening with it but this is the list I too with me last year when I saw a new doctor).

My symptoms… of cause not all at once!!! thank god!

1/ post excertional fatigue (both physical and mental)
2/ fatigue
3/ exhaustion (physical and mental)
4/ feeling weak
5/ feeling feverish
6/ feeling fluish
7/ feeling like “death warmed up” (like feeling pale and like one is on deaths door)
8/ feeling faint and dizzy
9/ apathy
10/ feeling overwhelmed at times (this happens when I get overload…eg too much
stimuli happening… it can throw me into body shakes)
11/ feeling depressed (that was the first year of my illness)
12/ panic attacks (new symptom 2006)
13/ rapid mood swings (new symptom 2006)
14/ feeling suicidal (first year of illness… and also 2006)
15/ feeling cold (I sometimes need to wear a jacket or even gloves on warm days)
16/ feeling hot (I sometimes heat up doing the slightest thing…eg vaccuming one floor)
17/ Im intollerant to both heat and cold
eg ive collapsed twice at different jobs when it was hot so my bosses wouldnt
allow me to work with them in the heat anymore and just freeze up and go into
shivering very easy on a cold day
18/ intollence to light, it hurt my eyes (only back when I had the FM)
19/ intollerance to sound (hurts my head…and fast music can be too much in the speeds of its beats for my head and can send me into shaking)
20/ body sensation numbness …
eg At the moment Ive got a numb right hand… I couldnt feel my friends hand
holding it well or him stroking it well today. Its a new symptom in 2006.
21/ feeling stiff (only in the past when I had the FM)
22/ muscle pain
23/ bone pain (only in the past when I had the FM)
24/ all over body pain (hurt laying on the bed cause of touching it… with the FM)
25/ strange body sensations (like ants all crawling over me… and also of like
spiders biting me…so much I’d yelp with it at times, I havent had this in years thou now, one of my earlier CFS symptoms)
26/ pain inside my body which would change places and like pressure or pushing (only
with the FM)
27/ joint pain (back with the FM.but the muscle and bone pain was more of an issue)
28/ eye pain like behind my eyes (only with the FM)
29/ headaches (esp when ive over excerted myself)
30/ sore throat
31/ swelling of my toes of both feet and pain there (I couldnt wear shoes for two
weeks…doctor said I had chillbanes and gave me medication, symptom from the CFS years ago)
32/ swelling right hand (new problem 2006 no pain involved with it)
33/ weakness of my right hand (a new problem 2006 …specific to just that hand, affecting fine
motor skills eg its hard to dip a biscuit in a cup at times. I cant hold my
newborn neice on that side for even 5 mins at the moment)
34/ major spasming of right hand (a new problem… spasms at rest)
35/ loosing control of right hand (a new problem 2006… it will suddenly let go of things and at
times I cant write with it anymore cause its hard to control, cant feel it well)
36/ Raynards syndrome in my fingers (when cold or I get stressed)
37/ Pins and needles feeling cause of poor circluation easily
38/ swollen glands
39/ blurry vision (only when I had the CFS/FM)
40/ severe memory problems (short time and long term) which are worsening eg I
forgot how to use a phonebox yesterday and then when i left there…i left my
money there!!!. I forget friends names at times and once forgot where I worked!!!
Ive done the same thing with my car…thought I
it had been stolen when my car was right in front of me, i couldnt recognise
my own car.
41/ blank outs/mind lapses?? (Petit Mal seizures??? - absence seizures (conscious but unaware of my actions. early in my CFS and also in 2006)
42/ confusion eg yesterday…freaked out thinking i’d lost my purse so was looking for it,
it was in my hand the whole time
43/ difficulty concentrating
44/ difficulty working out things which require mental effort eg adding up can be hard,
cant work out things in my head easily
45/ difficulty understanding language…
46/ difficulty talking …I often say wrong words in sentences and at times find myself
able to speak properly… eg forget how sentences start…or jumble the whole
sentence up
47/ slurred speach
48/ rashes (I have a rash of some kind on my right arm at the moment)
(a doctor said it could be a viral kind of rash…but he didnt seem to know)
49/ shortness of breath (new symptom… its like i cant get enough air, it can
happen on excertion)
50/ muscle weakness (my legs can buckle and give way if I stand in the one spot too
long. Standing in phone box talking to someone can be hard)
51/ muscle twitches
52/ poor appetite (i need to temp myself with foods to make myself eat)
53/ food intollences (a new symptom… causing stomach pain, sore throat,
tiredness etc) Im now worried about what foods are going to cause me to react
and its putting me off of eatting at times.
54/ insomina (okay at the moment, had problems with that last at the start of 2006 and in the past)
55/ balance problems (I loose balance easily and can just suddenly fall over)
56/ I cry easily at things
57/ easy bruising??? (I always seem to have bruises)
58/ easy marking on touch (a friend of mine noticed this with me a couple of weeks
back… i was running my finger along my skin and it left a big red mark. My skin
dont seem to be doing that right now thou).
59/ thirst (ive stopped doing that several mths back when I got treated by a
homoeopath… i was drinking about 3 Litres on a normal day more when hot).
60/ sweating … (bad night ones when I also had the FM) … I still sometimes break out in sweat easily eg while vaccumming a room.
61/ body shaking/trembling (on over excertion
62/ tic (In the past couple of mths (2006) Ive developed a head tic …major when it happens…
body overload can send me into it… once a breeze blowing on my face sent
me into it. Its constant till the stimuli is removed)
63/ abnormal taste sensation eg a salad sandwich may taste like pineapple when there is no
pineapple on it
64/ abnormal smell sensations eg body odour may smell like strawberries
65/ hyper-reflexia (autonomic dysreflexia) eg body over reacts to stimuli …this can cause me
abnormal reflexes in my legs to even almost throwing a seizure on being touched, or
having light shine in my eyes (when I get this I can get the other symptoms with this too
high blood pressure …eg 150/95 or more, sweating, anxiety, muscle spasms etc)


In 2006.
1/ Ive also been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovulation Syndrome (as i miss my periods and get mood swings cause of that too and have hormonal imbance). Diagnoses by my history, blood test and ultrasound all confirmed this.
2/ saw a hearing specialist who thought I have Central Auditory Processing Problem (my hearing problem is being caused by my brain not my ears)
3/ I got diagnosed with hypercholestrolemia (due to the CFS cause I cant exercise…and exercise helps to keep cholestrol levels down).

So guys/girls… what are your symptoms.

A good site of most of the symptoms of CFS is at

Lets destroy the myth that this is just tiredness, sore throats, fever (those few common well known things which hardly get the point across what CFS is really like).